Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 M's and an "Awwwwww" (followed by a huh?)

Here's the 5 "M's"

Marvelous Miss Mo's Merciless Mishap


And here's the "Awwwwwwwww..."

Our sweet GrandGirl, Mo, had a little accident at the playground resulting in a broken elbow.

When I asked her why she chose a sparkly red cast instead of a pink one (her usual favorite color choice) she replied, "Oh Gwamma! Sparkly red is the color of blood. You know I'm a vampire!"



...allright-y then.

And that is the "huh?" part of this funny little posted linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter M. For other meanderings through this magnificent letter, just click here!

post signature


Susan Anderson said...

Oh, dear. I hadn't realized the vampire craze was taking them so young...


PS. Hope she heals quickly!

Kim Lehnhoff said...

I bet the glitter has healing properties, and she'll be all better in no time!

ImagiMeri said...

Let little miss "Mo" know that I'm currently reading all about Vampires, but unfortunately I haven't come across anything with her name in it. I'm sure she's listed, but it's probably under the "sweet" ones, and I haven't gotten to that part yet. I'm looking forward to signing her cast!

Love ya'

Amy said...

I love that little MoMo!

Pondside said...

I'm sure that sparkles advance the healing process!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Aw! At least she still looks cute in her cast!

Ames said...

Gwammaw are you a vampire too? Hee hee. Poor little Miss Mo. She does look mwarvelous though in that rwed sparkly cast. Bless her heart. ~Ames

Tina said...

Oh I hope she heals quickly! YellowBoy broke his right arm snowboarding last year. That little milk guzzler (a gallon a day, no joke) was out of his cast and ready to go in two weeks. Broken bones are no can tell her that the first three or four days are really bad, but after that it's more of a nuisance than continued severe pain. Sending hugs and prayers her way!

Unknown said...

Kids are so funny! I'm gearing up my brain to link up to this interesting challenge.

I am trying to find a discription of the rules, though.

Thanks for visiting my blog, your comments were inspiring.



Busy Bee Suz said...

well, at least she is a cute and sparkly vampire!

21 Wits said...

being a silly grandma makes us lovable! Cute post...great smile she has too!...even through her pain!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hope your little vampire is all better soon!


Sheila :-)

Write Chick said...

She's darling. Hope she gets better quickly.

Maybe it's the age, but my friend's daughter who looks to be about her age thinks she's a vampire too...because of her two pointy teeth. Cute. Cute.

Just Add Walter said...

bahaha... that is hilarious! great post!

La said...

Apple doesn't fall from the tree...huh...even from the higher branches. That is too cute.

Anonymous said...

Mo is adorable. I am sorry about the broken elbow and hope it heals quickly. I think the cast is cool...think she is much too cute to be a vampire though. Hugs

Willoughby said...

I hope she heals fast! I had no idea that sparkly casts were available, but it's pretty cool!

Don't tell her I said so, but I think she's far too cute to be a vampire!

fredamans said...

She looks like she's treating the cast as an accessory!

Bonnie said...

Silly Grandma... didn't you know she was a vampire?

I hope she heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

It looks like she also has clothes that match Vampire red. Hope she doesn't have to wear the cast long.

Brenda said...

Oh my! There are sure a lot of vampires roaming around lately. Must have something to do with Twilight. Cute story. Did not link up this week. I linked up my M one of the off weeks. So what can I say, I'm off...Maybe I will think of something next week.

Amy said...

Awwwwww! So cute!

What a funny little girl. The sparkely red is pretty, though. And vampires are really such the craze! So funny.

NanE said...

Oh bless her heart! Well, I think the red sparkle looks mavelous. Who needs a mgic wand when you can have one built in! :) Hope she feels better soon, Nan

larainydays said...

Mo will enjoy the notoriety of the cast for at least a week and then the memories will last a lifetime.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

isn't she a little young for Twilight? My eight year old just told me a poem she created about being bit by a vampire this morning. Hmmm... I wonder if there is a full moon out tonight?

H said...

Ouch! That had to hurt! I hope she heals quickly. (And I would have gone for sparkly red too - unless they had sparkly green or blue???)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awwwwwwww, broken elbow! But something tells me, your cute little Miss, has found a way to make lemonade out of her lemons. -gigggles-

Sparkly Red! Please tell her that I agree with her choice. If one has to have a broken some-thing, cast it in Sparkly Red!!!

Gentle *Vampire* hugs to you and to her! ,-)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Ahh...don't you just love it when they come up with stuff like that? My youngest son picked me up for lunch yesterday with my little grandson and when I got in the car, he said "Well, wouldja look at that, we got Gwamma now." Pretty much made my day!

I love reading about your little grands, Jenny!!!



Jo said...

sparkles are magic and magic heals everything!!!!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

I'm sure the sparkles make her feel better. She is such a cutie!

Here On Crow Creek said...

Hi Jenny! Your granddaughter is adorable! Bless her heart, Im sorry she got hurt. Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and I had so much fun participating in Alphabet Thursday. It was my first time and I will surely be back to play again:) Big fan of your blog.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Mo's accident. Hope she's doing better soon, but it looks like it's not going to slow her down too much!


Judie said...

When our granddaughter, Gracie, broke her arm, she got a different color every time we took her to get her cast changed! What fun!!

Pat said...

Its a good thing kids are so resilient about things like this - I am sure the red cast with sparkles will aid in rapid much more fun than a plain white one!

Vampires though?...I can't keep up with all this!!

Splendid Little Stars said...


Sparkly Red! How fun!

Sue said...

A broken elbow...ouch! She's so cute and smiling through the pain. The vampire part is a bit creepy, but our 2-year-old grandson is certain that he is Spiderman.

How are you...seems like it has been ages...

Stef said...

Hahaha. The vampire bug has hit your house. Yikes!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

My! My! My! May Mo's mishap make...(gee! it's pretty tough to stay in the "M" mode!)

Hope her elbow heals up quickly! She is a cutie!

Blessings & Aloha!

Cheryl D. said...

So sorry she got hurt! It looks like she's doing great though!

I'm guessing she's out of the princess phase?

M said...

Haha, thats awesome!!! The comment, not the accident of course. Happy New year!!

Jules said...

I'm plagiarising you!
but it had to be said again xo. J

EYE can make that! said...

Hahaha... that's so funny. I never got into the twilight thing so it's not big with my kids.

Terra said...

Wowzers...I know so many lil ones hurt on the playground this year...Hailey's classmate broke her arm and needed surgery...ICK. Vampires and small children...that is the kind of thing nightmares are made of!

Theresa Plas said...

awwwww...po' baby vampire. I DO love the red tho;)

Anonymous said...

Vampires? Oh crikey have I got that to come? She does look proud of her cast though doesn't she?

Ingrid said...

She seems to be a very logical girl ! Maybe one of your ancestors came from Rumania ? Anyway be careful when she gives you a kiss next time !


Poor baby! The little vampire! ha

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Hmmm, I think I would choose a glittery red cast, too. :-)

Unknown said...

Awww, she is so cute! I love her reason behind choosing red for her cast. Very original and not what I would've expected. It also goes really well with that outfit she's wearing :)

mub said...

Vampires! That wasn't what I would've expected the answer to be either *L*

mrs. c said...

All my pre-k students favorite game on the playground is Vampire. I just shake my head, a couple of years ago it was those wrestlers. Oh well..... hope you have a great weekend, we are expecting 6 inches of snow on Sunday night!