This morning as I was eating them I had a memory of pancakes. That doesn't sound very deep does it? No, not like I was remembering every pancake I've ever eaten (boy, that would take some time) but actually pancakes my Dad used to make when we were children.
It seemed like Dad often made the weekend pancakes and he was great at it. He would make these perfect little circles of tender lightness and we would load up on the butter and the warmed syrup. I would eat my way carefully all the way around the outside of the stack, going in further and further until there was a perfect bite of pancakes left. The center of the pancakes with all the butter and syrup soaked in. A technique that only works with small pancakes because you get full too quickly with big ones and never get to the center.

I think I was remembering this today because Wednesday is both my Dad's 81st Birthday and my son's 30th Birthday. How can this be? It must be impossible.
Surely it was only a few years ago when my Dad was making his weekend pancakes, and only a few weeks ago that my son was a little fella with curly blonde hair and a big appetite for pancakes himself.
How did all this time pass?
I read a saying recently that says "you live your life like you live your days" and it gave me pause. It made me wonder if while I'm waiting for the perfect bite of pancakes, I'm actually enjoying all the outer edges as well.
Or are the outer edges what actually makes that one perfect bite of pancakes at the center so special?
JDaniel was just mentioning that I don't make pancakes much anymore. I will have to make some this week in honor of your family birthdays.
I always get so annoyed when my kids ask for pancakes. But I remember liking them when I was little, so I go in and whip them up with a cheerful face! This better result in some happy pancake memories.
Hey Girlfriend,
Waffles reign supreme in our house........believe me, I'd much rather clean up after pancakes then always having to clean out all the little crevices of the waffle maker. When are ya' comin' over?
Love ya'
This gives me a lot to ponder on this Monday morning -- maybe I'll wait until afternoon. Oh, well, we're supposed to have a big winter storm so maybe I'll just wait until Tues. -- & fix some pancakes while I'm thinkin'. Have a good week. Jan
I loved your analogy of enjoying pancakes and life, it's usually the small everyday occurences with family, friends, nature and self, that stack up on our plate of life to make a great dish!
Happy Birthday to your Dad and son on Wednesday...two of my grandsons had birthdays in these last 5 turned 17 and one 24.
Enjoyed your post this morning as my memories are similar. My Dad was the pancake maker at our house. We had unusal tradition though I have never found elsewhere...he and then we, always ate dill pickles with our pancakes!
Yummy pancakes! Aren't childhood memories just the sweetest? Happy Birthday to your Son and how sweet to share that Birthday with your Dad! Have a blessed day dear Jenny! HUGS!
We're pancake and maple syrup lovers here too - and the syrup is always warmed. With what's been going on at our house, we're acutely aware of the importance of savouring every moment and every mouthful of pancake!
What a sweet post to wake up to Jenny. Daddy was the pancake chef in our house too, and I've never had any as good :) Now it's a tradition in our home, when Cait arrives I know I'm going to be making pancakes! I loved your analogy. I think it is all those outer edges that make us appreciate the center that much more. Hugs, Kat (btw, that's the way I eat pancakes too!)
Love this one made me think!!!!
Oh the memories of childhood pancakes and even today how I tend to our pancakes...wanting them to be the very the boys want them loaded with fresh blueberries and the pop of that arm berry is the best!!!!
Thanks for sharing this with us today!!!
Love ya girlie!!! :-)
Jenny girl that's some deep thoughts today! I want to make sure I enjoy every day not just the 'perfect bites'! Hugs, Linda
PS I'm not sure why all the Gluten free stuff...I've missed why this is important some how.
Never thought a post on pancakes could be deep, but I was wrong.
You've got my mind on overdrive this morning! (In a good way...)
PS. My sister used to like her pancakes raw in the middle.
This is such a sweet memory Jenny.
Happiest of birthdays to your special men this week too.
Jenny, this is a lovely and touching post! Much pancakes for thought here!!
When I saw Trader Joe's come up on my reader, I launched over here to begin my tirade about what is going on with them and their being out of uncrystalized ginger . . . for months! But now you had to go and get all deep and pull me in with you. Now I'm fighting for my life here, struggling in a big vat of syrup that YOU poured out for us.
You can't get me started on the "where did the time go" thing unless you have all day to listen to my rants and regrets. It is just going to darned fast. That's all. Too fast.
who know that meditations on a stack of pancakes could be so deep ... time ... it's a funny thing ...
and my daddy makes the very best pancakes ... from a generations old recipe ... yummy and brings me smack dab back to childhood ..
Time flies... We have to stop and smell the pancakes, er, umh flowers!
Isn't it amazing how little sights, taastes and smells have the ability to take us back years?
I have never been one to care that much for pancakes, I do not like making them but hubby loves them so I make them for him. After reading this wonderful post I will look at making pancakes in a whole different light now. I may even start liking them better now that I will be thinking of your words with each bite I take. Hugs
My dad always made pancakes as well! Oh how I loved them. And I am just too lazy to carry on that tradition, though I really want my kids to have it.
What a profound thought! But it makes sense. As John Lennon said "Life is what happens to you when you are busy living." Deep. I hope your days are full of syrup soaked buttery goodness.
Happy Birthday to them both! I must admit that I've never eaten my way around a pancake. I work from side to side on mine. Maybe I'm missing out.
You're on the Gluten Free band wagon too. Did you ever find a goooood bread? Please and thank you.
Gentle hugs...
Oh my GOODness I do love PanCAKES SO much...and they were the first things my mother let me make growing up, always on Sunday mornings! ..and I have a grandson born on my daddy's birthday as well, sadly my dad never got to meet him....but they share a remarkable birthday anyway!
I'm guilty! I know that I am always looking forward to the next thing, rather than savouring the day!
your post made me smile :) im going to traders tomorrow im going to have to pick up some of that pancake mix.i love pancakes. i just did a post on my fave drink and its from traders. gosh i love that place!
What a beautiful post and beautiful sentiment. I don't know where the time goes, either. But I think I'm definitely too consumed with that bite at the center. Most definitely.
I remember a friend in elementary school's Mom would always make blueberry pancakes at sleep overs...the were awesome...
Great memories and "Food for thought" (pun intended! hee hee).
I definately find that the older I get I appreciate every little thing more and more and I don't try to go too fast.
Like the pancake I now would really enjoy the edges and not try to hard to get to the center but when I do get there I jump for joy!
It is like the bouquet in the field of flowers.
Maple Grove also makes really yummy pancake and waffle mix if you can get it where you are. The waffles taste like real Belgian waffles to me. Bisquik also makes GF mix now, too! :) Love pancakes!
Now, I am craving pancakes, and we used to eat them slathered in KARO. Can you believe it? Talk about sugar shock! ;-)
Sheila :-)
I so wish we had a Trader Joes in Texas. Can you say, "Two Buck Chuck"? We had someone that was already traveling to California bring us several cases for my daughter's wedding. It was quite a hit!
Love pancakes, by the way!
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