Monday, January 17, 2011

Accckkk!!! I need a new excuse...

For about a year now I've been telling Mr. Jenny that I need a laptop.

"If I had a laptop I could write my novel quicker. Without a laptop it is just taking a lot longer than I thought it would."

Mr. Jenny has usually had a moderately smart-alecky retort like, "Novel? What novel?"

And I, sweet and kind person that I am, patiently explained that I am writing a novel that will put my name right up there with Stephen King and Danielle Steele.

"You are writing a horror/romance bestseller?" He would ask with disdainful sarcasm.

Patiently I would explain, yet again, that I would be happy to write a horror/romance bestseller, except Stephen King and Danielle Steele do all their writing on a laptop. I informed him that if I had a laptop I could write in the car, and while I'm waiting at pre-school to pick up Morgan, and at the doctors office and while I was watching TV.

He ignored me.

Until Christmas. And then he paid attention. And he bought me a laptop.

It's little. And cute. And red. And it looks like this.

And Mr. Jenny said, "Now you can write a best-seller and make lots of money and keep me in the style I wish to become accustomed to."

I was excited.

I was happy.

I lied.

Oh sure, I write on the little cutie-pie but for some reason it's not helping me channel King and Steele.

It's more helping me channel extra time typing stuff into the search engine on Etsy. Man, they have cool stuff on Etsy, don't they?

So I'm thinking it probably isn't me. I suspect those famous writers have other things on hand when they write, right?

Ten pound boxes of Godiva chocolates? A masseuse rubbing their aching shoulders? A live-in maid/gourmet chef?

I'm sure it's just something like that keeping me from finishing up the 150,000 word novel I'm working on.

If I had the chocolate, the masseuse, and the live-in maid/gourmet chef, I'm certain I could crank out the remaining 149,200 words in no time at all.

I just need to figure out how to break the news to Mr. Jenny.

And since it's a long time until next Christmas, I can have a lot of fun on Etsy in the meantime!


post signature


RNSANE said...

I think you need to travel a bit to get some inspiration! The laptop could go with you, of course.

Anonymous said...

I love Etsy too. Searching through its shops is dangerous. I find so many wonderful things I want.

Unknown said...

Hee, just tell him it's for "research" purposes. You're browsing Etsy because you are in need for inspiration :)

Cheryl said...

RNSANE is right ya know. Laptops are perfect for travel. They're also perfect for creating internet addiction.

I'm starting a group soon. We can compare our best sites and why we need to stop visiting them eleventy million times a day.

BTW, I know for a fact King hasn't written anything worth a damn for years. I don't think Steele ever did. Mayhaps you could try channeling some writers who are actually putting together some good stuff. Just a thought.

Jocelyn said...

Oh dear....look out Mr. Jenny!!!! But I do agree...I think you need them all!!!!

Have computer will travel!!!

Love ya girlie!!!

Lynn said...

Lovin' your cute new laptop! Let us know how the chef/maid thing works out!
I have a killer opening paragraph and great closing line... it's all that stuff in the middle I'm having trouble with:@)

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Oh it's so pretty!! You do need all of the above! Enjoy!!

Terra said...

you are too cute...for me I can't type my writing I have to write my writing - so the computer wouldn't would be a new hand each hour so mine wouldn't get so sore!

Debbiedoos said...

Well at least you look stylin while you write. I love the flashy red! Red should make you more of a vixen..hmmmm....

Kat said...

Funny, I did just the opposite. Told DH I needed to set up the old desktop so that I could write. The laptop is for my "fun" - blogging, facebook ,etc. And you may be on to something. While researching publishers and writing contests, I discovered that there is a huge market for "paranormal romance". Who knew??? Let me know if that cook/maid request works ok? Kat

Theresa said...

Congrats on the nice gift, Mr. Jenny should get me one too:) Hope you can get some work done on that novel and quit looking for excuses! Have a blessed and productive day! HUGS!

Tracy said...

Well Jenny, my thoughts are that a writer can never have too many toys; we need ALL of those things and more...whatever our heart's desire to write a best seller because truly, it's all about us, isn't it?

Susannah said...

I love it. :-)

I actually have a laptop that I do my 'working on my novel writing' on, and I made a very wise decision....I don't have it connected to the internet!!!

My usual desktop computer where I blog (and search places like Etsy, and ebay and blogs etc.) IS connected to the internet.

Now the only trouble I have, is dragging myself away from my main computer and actually turning on my laptop! but once I do it is fine... no distractions! :-)

ImagiMeri said...

Hey Girlfriend,

Long time no talky!!!!! Times are a little tough over here, but I wanna' do something big, so when you got a minute............give me a call. I wanna go out with a bang!

Love ya'

ain't for city gals said...

Please tell Mr Jenny my favorite color is GREEN !!! Dell makes a very pretty GREEN laptop...just saying!

Pondside said...

Good luck! I just know that if you had all that other stuff I'd be watching your book tour of Good Morning America.

Jeanie said...

Mr. Jenny is a keeper. That cute little laptop looks fancy enough to have an auto-pilot button-just push it and let it do the writing for you :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is really cute Jenny.
I can't believe you have not come up with a best seller horror/romance yet!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

If anyone could write the great American novel, Jenny, it's YOU. I'm convinced of that. You could also write something that would make Erma Bombeck fans happy with your sense of humor.

I have a laptop only. My keys are starting to stick on this one, and I noticed that some are actually worn. I think I either need a new keyboard or a new laptop. I want to look into a mac. Do they do laptops?


Sheila :-)

Cheryl D. said...

Congrats on your cute little laptop! I'm thinking of getting one!

Anonymous said...

You are just so funny, sweet Jenny. I am wishing you all the luck on the chocolate, the masseuse, and the live-in maid/gourmet chef. Enjoy the laptop! Hugs

Susan Anderson said...

I hope Mr. Jenny comes up with the goods next Christmas.

It's not your fault that it took some time to realize the magic writing formula includes massage and maids. These writers keep their secrets pretty close to the chest.

Clearly, they're afraid of the competition.


H said...

I love my laptop. It means I can write blog posts sitting up in bed at night, warm and cosy and zzzzzzzz...

noexcuses said...

Love the laptop! Etsy is almost as addicting as blogging, except one can blog all day without using a credit card!

I love your chats with Mr. Jenny!

Judie said...

Jenny, you've got to read the Jan 15 post on my friend Amylynn's blog. Go to

The video speaks to all writers!
It is double LOL funny!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I just adore your Etsy bitsy new laptop. Please don't drop the thang!!!

I let Geek Son talk me into scannin' the slide show into his laptop for my Dad's memorial. I then deleted everything from my computer. Then... he dropped the dang thing and lost EVERYTHING!!!!

I was so lucky he is 'The Geek' and retrieved everything and transferred it to a new hard the nick of time.

I'm gonna give ya'll one word of advice while your writin' that best seller...BACK~UP baby...BACK~UP! :o)

God bless ya and have a marvelous week.

BTW: Card for Angel arrived. Thanks! She attended school one day last week but her white cell count is so messed up and her immune system is so bad she has to stay away from public areas. I'm very concerned.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Tsk... Tsk.... *Naughty* Jenny! Get going on that novel and ditch Etsy! Hip! Hip! Hip! Get on it! ,-)

Hugs & ♥'s...
'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Steve gave you such a pretty lap top, Jenny! I love the color!

I'm sure your novel will emerge when your muse if ready to release it. Just don't give up and keep writing everyday. You are so talented!

Pat Tillett said...

Evil, evil, evil....
Also, funny!

Wanda..... said...

I wouldn't be surprised at all some hear you published a book, Jenny!

Sue said...

Ooo...I'm so excited for you! I'm on my third laptop. I kill them off right before their second birthdays (seriously, don't know why that is). The first one I also kept my desktop, but I never used it. Now, I'm all laptop all the time and I won't look back! Mine is also a Toshiba and I love it...mine is not red:(

Marlene said...

You can just own up now to the fact that you're addicted to the facebook games, and that's why you really wanted a laptop, missy! LOL!

Melinda said...

I love my laptop--i'd be lost without it and then I have to go downstairs to blog. Yuck!


Stef said...

Oh man. The masseus sounds heavenly. you know...Mother's day is coming up. Best she comes!

Ingrid said...

I understand that this gift made you happy !! I have a little Acer notebook which I take always with me when I travel, it's just great !!
It's not bigger than a book and not heavier either, but the capacity is the same as my computer at home.

The Words Crafter said...

Yay for you cool new laptop!!!! And a RED one!

Etsy. Oh. My. Gosh! Yeah....I could go broke there.....

Bonnie said...

OOOh Good job Ms. Jenny. guess the best word would be "tricked" him.

I would like one too. Can you please tell Mr. Jenny I need one too?


Unknown said...

Yay for new laptops! I got my first laptop for my birthday this last November! I got a Tosh too! Well that's what I call mine :) He's pretty and all purple and I love Him to bits!