Welcome to week thirty-eight of Saturday Centus.
I think we all need to continue to shake things up a little bit for the New Year so this week we'll continue doing that. I'll tell you more in a moment, but go ahead and curse me now!
This week, we're going to go further with a shake up and do a genre specific SC from the prompt.
This week you can have the whole 100 words (plus the prompt) BUT try writing sci-fi.
BTW, I hate sci-fi, so I'm not picking this because it's easy for me.
I got this prompt from a galaxy far, far away...so you can't technically be annoyed at me.
The prompt is:
"Beam me up, Scottie..."
You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like. Please try mightily to visit all the other weeks. There are some great writers participating in this meme AND it will be a zippy quick read this week for sure!
Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Link anytime between now and next Saturday morning.
I'm going back to bed. When I wake up, this will all have been a bad dream. Right? Kat
I have been awake a chunk of the night...finally just got up and came to computer. When I saw this prompt, I moaned out loud! Yuck. Went to brew tea, turned up the furnace, and a wee tad of a scene came to me. Sure not sci-fi but it was something! You almost knocked me out of the game, Jenny, but I rallied!
Like Bonnie, I thought I was knocked out this week, but I mustered up a little something....yes, Yes I did. Way to go Jenny...
I love you. I'll stick to reruns and leave the writing up to you!
You certainly aren't making life easy for Tina, who is trying to link all of her stories together. I look forward to reading her sci-fi take on the body problem :D
Oh poop!
You about got me this time, but i'm up for a challenge.
I think.
Thankfully we have all week to come up with something.
Ok, lets see, beam me up beam me up beam me up.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Why don't you like me, Jenny? I've got this murder thing going, and I've dragged her to the mall, I survived Tom T. Urkee, and all the goofy holiday prompts and now I gotta change to sci-fi????? Sigh.
Had to stew about this one for a while. Hmmmm. Don't know if mine ended up as fact or fiction.
Oh, woe is me. Sci-fi?
Shoot me now.
Hi - I am excited to join for the first time!! I have been a little nervous to do so but it was great to...WRITE! Thanks
Dear Miss Matlock,
Has someone been drinking way too much - and I mean WAY TOO MUCH - caffeine these days?
Just wondering.
PS Can I please be demoted to the more special class?
Earth to Jenny! Come in, Jenny! Can you hear us? Please put on your oxygen mask, Jenny, before you lose consciousness! You are beginning to talk nonsense.
hmmm... i am guessing i was the only little sci-fi geek that grew up to join this little gang. i threw out a sci-fi/comedy combo
Hooray I finally posted, and learned next time I'll put Karen S. or 21 Wits or something other than Saturday Centus but I'm learning!...and it's great fun reading along with what everyone comes up with! Thanks Jenny! Thanks for taking time to do these things on your blog, great fun!
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