...the road stretches ahead of me like a ribbon strewn with the diamond and ruby blurs of cars coming and going...
...the mountains form a cradle on the horizons and surround me like an embrace. I am awed by a western sky filled with fire and drama...

...and the eastern sky of velvet amethyst shading into midnight blue framed in my rear-view mirror...
The lights of houses twinkle on the side of mountains like fallen stars...
And I feel timeless and ageless...I am suspended between where I have been and where I am going...suspended between yesterday and tomorrow...
Bob Seger growls lyrics that go straight into my heart...
The air blows my hair around my face from the open sunroof...
For those few long moments I find complete and perfect peace in my life.
My exit approaches and the rhythm and click of my turning signal breaks the magic spell...
...and I am cast back into the 6:22 pm of my actual life.
But I am content.
And I feel as if I have been richly blessed with the gift of that twilight drive.
Lovely moments you paint with your words, Jenny...they made me feel the magic of your twilight drive.
It's been a long time since I've had such a drive. It brings back memories of a time full of promise. Thanks for reminding me that that timeless and ageless feeling can be recaptured anytime, as long as we're willing to see it.
Only in Arizona will you find shots like this.
What pretty thoughts.
Much like heading West into the Rocky mountains pretty much any of time of day...I am in awe of there beauty
Just beautiful. Your words captured it perfectly. I love twilight time.~Ames
These are the moments :)
What a wonderful way to travel home!
You are making me so homesick for the Southwest! There is nothing like being on the road in that beautiful countryside and twilight or any other time. I do miss it!! Hugs, Silke
Oh Jenny, beautiful picture! I visited your lovely state several years ago and remember it as one of the most beautiful places ever! We visited the red rocks, drove up to the Grand Canyon and just had the best visit!
Beautiful post! Have a blessed day, hugs!
It makes me want to visit. I think I'd go just about anywhere to have a break from this snow.
Very poetic :) I can almost picture the drive home with you, except I have never witnessed the Arizona twilight. Sounds like it's an amazing sight to see.
Twilight is always magical!
You captured it beautifully.
We all need to notice it more. It doesn't grace us with its presence, for long. We need to n-o-t-i-c-e! And not let it get away. :-)
Hugs and ♥'s...
'Cause Valentine Day is coming!
I have the same picture on my blog as a memorial to my friend's husband. It really does give one a peaceful feeling.
thanks for bringing us along Jenny..
This reminds me of times in my youth when my best friend and I would go out driving, just to see the sunset. We used to time it to go over a particular hill where it was always spectacular. And you are so correct, all is right with the world at that moment. It's as if you can feel God smile. :-)
So beautiful Jenny. What a daily gift...that view and YOU!
I've taken that twilight drive in Arizona. We were on our way to Sedona, and you've described it perfectly.
I never wanted it to end.
I have never had the pleasure of and Arizona twilight drive so thank you for describing one to me. It sounds so wonderful and peaceful. The picture is gorgeous. Hugs
"For those few long moments I find complete and perfect peace in my life."
What a wonderful gift that drive gave you.
I feel that same way in the mornings driving to work. The mountains are usually mist covered and just spectacular. I have my coffee and am looking forward to the new day....
Love it Jenny!!
Beautiful words and a stunning sunset!
The view was only eclipsed by the elegance of your prose.
i love how a great drive can sort of absent you from reality a bit. there are a couple of farmer-to-market roads not far out of the city limits which i love to cruise in the spring and fall at sunset for that very reason. so relaxing. and then you come home and ... ugh.
i totally forgot to reply to your email about my o post from last week. so sorry. :[ thank you for the compliments and the love, m'dear. you're a gem!
OH! i forgot!! the most important thing! THANKS FOR DONATING!!! that's way more than i wanted you to give, but i am SO GRATEFUL!!! love you!
it's always the simple, the natural, the ramdom bits of nature that seem to bring so much inner peace & joy to the heart ... if only for a moment ... ah, but that moment is something to savour for a long long time.
Stunning.....I want to take that drive with you!!!!
Wishing you a great day sweet friend!!!!
I have a sister in Az and one in NM. I always wondered why they would choose to live where there was nothing but dirt and rocks until I went to AZ. OMG. It is so beautiful in the desert. I never realized the beauty. My favorite place so far is Sedona.~Ames
I hear you. I've not driven through Arizona since I was 18, but I so appreciate a sunset, and open roof, and the long road ahead. Nicely done my friend.
And this is one of the main reasons we live in the beautiful state of Arizona...I drove home today on Carefree highway...it is just gorgeous right now!
Breathtaking words. Breathtaking picture.
I thought you were dreaming. Your words were very soothing and the picture is breathtaking. Thank you for the nice treat!
Jenny, my parents used to receive the mag Arizona Highways. I grew up loving AZ because it was so different than my state of Wisconsin. A drive in AZ sounds nice. Joni
Growing up in "the valley of the sun"...I could actually smell the desert as I was reading your post.
There are very few things more beautiful than an Arizona sunset...
Of course I loved the picture you deftly painted, BUT, when I began reading that first sentence, I envisioned the end of it reading something like this,"...and I choose not to run the other vehicles off the road."
Just sharing some of the fun places my mind goes.....
Absolutely lovely! I've never been to Arizona, but your words certainly make me want to visit!
Gorgeous photo and beautiful, descriptive writing. I feel like I was along on the ride. Enjoy your Arizona weather. I hear it's beautiful there right now.
So eloquently stated...there is such beauty in the sky and mountains here in AZ. Every sunset is spectacular and unique and really looks like a painting that could not possibly be true, right? But it is.
Gorgeous post.
xox Rella
Sounds so beautiful. I felt like I was right there with you. Arizona certainly has it's own special beauty.
Well, that was as refreshing as a nap - or seeing the sunset for myself.
Beautiful. It is snowing here and I have AZ envy. And that was magical. When I grow up I want to be a wordsmith like you.
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