Thursday, January 27, 2011

P is for ... "You know!"

While I was driving our Grandlittle, Mo, to preschool on Wednesday, I decided to get her assistance with my "P" post for Alphabe-Thursday this week.

Me: Mo, what is your favorite word that starts with the letter P?

Mo: Gwamma, you know the letter P. Pah, pah, pah, P !!!!

Me: I know that P sounds like pah, pah, pah, P! I just want to know what YOUR favorite P word is.

Mo: Well, let me think. P. Pah, pah, pah, P! Gwamma, you said a bad word!

Me: I didn't say a bad word.

Mo: Yes, you did, Gwamma. You said a bad word. You know. P? P? You see the word P?

Me: I didn't say P for potty, I said P like the letter at the beginning of a word like parachute or puppy or...

Mo: Gwamma. You already know P words. Why are you asking me?

Me: (sighing) Yes, I know P words. I just wanted to know what YOUR favorite P word is.

Mo: My favorite P word is P! You know, Gwamma? P? The word P?

Me: Never mind.

Mo: Gwamma! You know what another word is that starts with P. P! Pah, pah,
pah...going to the bathroom! Poo.

Me: Just never mind, Mo. I'll figure out my own P word.

Mo: You said a bad word, Gwamma. You said P. Like pah, pah, pah...

Me: I didn't say a bad word. The letter P is not a bad word.

Mo: You said it again, Gwamma! You said P!

Me: Look Mo! Quick! There's a red slug bug going down the street! Did you see it? There it goes...hurry, hurry, look out your window!

So I guess my P word for this weeks Alphabe-Thursday is P!

And my lesson for the week is not to have a four year old help me with my writing assignments.

And yes, I know. I said a bad word.


For other more intelligent P links, just click here!

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ain't for city gals said...

They say never ask a question that you are not 100% sure what the answer is! That is from the light of my niece Sarah who is 4 months away from being a you see ..they do grow up....unfortunately.

linda said...

Great post. Mo sounds like a cutie. She must give you some great laughs and stories.

Joanne Lendaro said...

Too Cute!! thanks for sharing!

Terra said...

of that is her P word and of course asking her for help was going to go down that road...she is 4 - potty talk is number 1 in her world! but it made for a great read....

Anonymous said...

...that'll teach you to ask a four year old :)
She sounds adorable, I'd pick her brains every time too

Judie said...

They're just too quick for us old folks!! You walked right into that, Jenny!

mub said...

Sounds like a conversation I might have with Martijn and Mr Jummy *L*

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - great "P" words!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel and my husband talk potty talk all the time. We really want him to potty train.

Susan Anderson said...

It never ceases to amaze me how clever your posts are. You can turn a little heap of nothing into a towering mountain of everything. And then some!


Anonymous said...

Just too precious (there is a good 'p' word) :) for words. This post gave me some giggles. I love the great conversation between you and Mo. Hugs

Jessica B said...

Sheesh! Kids and P words. LOL -- I understand this 100%.

Have a great day! :)

Sue McPeak said...

Another conversation to remember! Gosh, KIDS...they Do Say the Darndest Things! My Jackson's favorite P word is PaPa....we just love the way he says that!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Oh, how cute! Thanks for sharing the smiles :) -Tammy

The Quintessential Magpie said...

LOL! A little potty humor???


Sheila :-)

Unknown said...

I saw the photo and knew this post was going to be about a grandlittle...:):):) Come on, you know you saw this one coming!!!! LOL

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha! "Oh! Poo!" (Hm...that would be along the same lines as your "bad word"! and falls right into the category of what goes into that Potty chair! excuse the pun)....

Love how you so quickly distracted your grandlittle :o) Little ones are the greatest!

Blessings & Aloha!
(and I am pretty excited that even though I messed up and worked on my "P" post when it was supposed to be the "O" post last least for this week, cuz my "P" was ready, I was not once again the last student on your linky-roster!

LuLu Kellogg said...

LOL, out of the mouths of babes!!!


Ames said...

Oh gwamma Mo just makes me smile when ever I read anything with her name in it!~Ames

NanE said...

LOL, LOL! So funny Jenny. When I saw the picture of the "pot" I thought to myself, well... there are a number of "P" words that could go with that picture, I wonder which one Jenny picked (surprised that you would feature any of them, lol)? What a funny post, have a great weekend, Nan

RedTedArt said...

What a fabulous conversation to have! Kids are brilliant and this s the perfect P post! Now I wish mine was a little more exciting! Now... what to do for Q


H said...

Sometimes, children can be very focused in their thinking! I think the word I might be looking for is 'persistant'!

Busy Bee Suz said...

She is both brilliant and funny!!!!

Maude Lynn said...

That is so cute!

00dozo said...

That is precious. But just wait 'till she learns other "P" words.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Ok, so I just love "grandlittle". I just may have to use that one my own grandlittles, Jenny! How cute!

Perfect little princess!

Dee said...

LOL. Did you have a hard time keeping a straight face ?

Lynn said...

Well now, wash your mouth out with soap and don't make the same mistake twice:@) Cute post!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So cute, Jenny! At three and four years old the world revolves around bodily!

Brenda said...

Oh my gosh that Mo she cracks me up, must take after her gwamma.

Laura Lofgreen said...

I hear a lot about that at my house too. Thanks for your post!

Cheryl D. said...

You should have her help you with your posts more often! LOL

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! that reminds me of my friend's little sister who screemed from the 1st floor up to the 3rd floor : Mom ! she said shit ! Shit is a bad word, mom, isn't it, and she said shit ! Imagine she said shit, Mom ! she shouldn't say shit ... Mom quickly closed the window.

Amy said...

Jenny! Shame on you, getting your four year old granddaughter to do your homework for you. Tsk Tsk. I expected bett.... wait, that was pretty darn smart! And your granddaughter is awfully intelligent, I mean she associates every letter with the sound it makes, and has a very large P vocabulary. Yup, I think you just aced this class for most creative way to get out of the homework. Good job.

Unknown said...

Hee. She is adorable :) I love having conversations with little kids. They are so innocent and honest and will tell it to you as it is. You should have her do Alphabe-Thursday with you every week just to see what interesting conversations you can record :)

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Middlest was in a spelling bee at school recently and this post reminded me of when we were practicing with her. Every time we gave her a word that had to p's in it like happy for instance, she would start spelling the word and then would start giggling after the second p. It happened every time. Things don't change much from age 4 to 11 I guess? Too funny.

Theresa Plas said...

Pretty Precious!!!

Jo said...

out of the mouths of babes .... too precious! you are blessed with such lively little hearts to love! and of course i just love reading about them!

Anonymous said...

P is for Perfect Post pah pah ;)
happy alphabe-thursday Jenny

Su-sieee! Mac said...

LOL! Little 4 year olds love to get the oldsters.

Gaurang Rao said...

wowie look at this competition

Pondside said...

Well, even with the 'P' word, it was a post that could still be for General Audiences!
I'm sorry to have missed O and P. If you read my latest post you'll see why. I should be back this week.

Splendid Little Stars said...

How good of Mo to help you with this week's assignment! wonder what she'll come up with next!

Unknown said...

Great Post indeed. I hope you can attract pretty more traffic by concentrating on the words in the post. I was the same during my early stages of Blogging. And when I researched the web for more efficient way of writing contents, I found FAVORITEWORDS.COM to be very helpful. Try to optimize your content in with your favorite words. Way to go. All the best!