Tuesday, August 2, 2011

P is for Painting

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting with the gift of speech.


This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter P. To read other P posts, just click here.

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ellen b. said...

My husband is the silent poet around here and I like it that way. :0)

C. J. Smith said...

What a lovely thought! :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic quote to remember!

Anonymous said...

Perfect quote and picture. Is that you? I love those paintings, too.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you the clever girl! I am reading away, pondering the posts!

Pondside said...

What a beautiful thought.

Amanda said...

Very true! And lots of Pees in it too. :)

Cheryl D. said...

Very nice thought!

Blogging is like throwing up lots of different cans of paint!--Cheryl

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Painting is poetry but priming is poop. Especially caulking and sanding and all the other preparing. But I regress. Painting IS poetry.

Susan Anderson said...

I like that!


Jen said...

Except my painting would need to be finger painting. I could express myself and not worry about it having to look like anything!

Francisca said...

If painting is poetry, what do the white walls I just painted say...? Kidding... Yes, that is an apt quote for our P round, Jenny.

Unknown said...

That's fabulous & I love the paintings in that picture!

from my wicked ways to turning a phrase said...

awesome quote!!! both yours and the comment about blogging!!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Hmmm, I haven't done any painting in years. Now you know why I'm not a poet.

Linking up by way of Thursday blog hopping…P is for Parkway and Thursday Two Questions
Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Sharon said...

I always enjoy these little tidbits of wisdom and inspiration you share on Alphbe-Thursdays. This one is such a peaceful picture in my mind. Pouring out your heart on a piece of canvas. Something my eldest can do very well.

21 Wits said...

Oh it is...and sometimes we do that painting for our walls, in silly and beautiful strokes, spreading color and tales all the way through.....!

Betty said...

I'm afraid anything I painted would hardly be called poetry. However, I'd love to have that talent! Meanwhile, I'll just enjoy other people's poetry.

Ms. A said...

I don't thinking any of my paintings are poetic, but I sure used to love doing them. Good therapy and Lord knows... I need therapy.

Ames said...

That's nice. Maybe if I read that to my hubby he will feel more inspired to finish the painting!~Ames

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

great quote Thanks for sharing it

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful metaphor!


Slamdunk said...

Good quote. Unfortunately, painting here means work in the house--not the creative kind which I am better at looking at the work of others anyway.

Ingrid said...

With all the paintings I have painted, I must be a great poet but I didn't know, lol !

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love, well done take.

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Does it count if I'm just painting walls and furniture??

Pat said...

Alas, my poetic paintings are only on walls, logs and occasionally furniture. I can't even write a poem...sigh.

Thank you got s lovely quote.