Thursday, August 18, 2011

R is for Rap

Rap music... sounds like somebody feeding a rhyming dictionary to a popcorn popper.

Tom Robbins

PS. This made me laugh. I wanted to write a quotation about a raisin...just a sad grape in need of botox...but I couldn't find one...sigh...

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter R. To read other R posts, just click here.

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Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Jenny Sweetie...
What a precious share this morning. I have my hat on, and I have tried this rapping thing, the grands are rolling and said to give it up Gram. What fun this has brought out this morning.

You are to cute sweet friend. Hope you have a glorious day. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha! Well, Ms. Jenny...your quote sounds great to me...

"a raisin...just a sad grape in need of botox..." as quoted by -JENNY MATLOCK

Blessings & Aloha!

Pondside said...

Were you thinking of my wrinkly face when you commented on the raisin? I'm in a bit of an 'all about me' mood right now, having looked too closely in the mirror at my morning face - then this.
Off to call my dentist who has a botox side-line.

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

Your raisin quote made me laugh In fact I thought it was better than the rap quote

ImagiMeri said...

I don't know why you couldn't come up with a rap about the raisin needing botox....I think you should give it another try. If you're really stuck, call on the grandlittles to help you out.


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

lovely take.

Susan Anderson said...

I think your own quote about the raisin needing botox would have been great!

Have to admit I did like the quote about rap, though.


LuLu Kellogg said...

Eminem!! (I think that's him)

Love the quote about the raisin...that's how I am feeling right now!!! Tee hee!


Cathy Kennedy said...

You're too funny, Miss Jenny! I always enjoy your quotes, but I like yours best about the raisin. =D

I hope you’ll decide to check…
R is for Robin
Have a lovely weekend!

Your friend,
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Jo said...

love the bit about the raisin ... can i quote you? :)

ellen b. said...

Ha! Love the raisin quote you came up with.

Ms. A said...

I much prefer your sad raisin!

Judie said...

You could have used a photo of me! A raisin--brown and wrinkled! Next time, think outside the box!!

Pat said...

Liking the quote about the raisin...

Afraid rap music does not set well on my 67 year old ears...your description of how it sounds is quite accurate.

Theresa said...

You ALWAYS make me giggle! I love raisins:) Enjoy your day dear Jenny, HUGS!

lissa said...

sounds right. & raisins needing botox? it's a funny thought.

Anonymous said...

DH has been complaining lately about there being too many raisins in our raisin bran cereal (is that even possible?). He could probably spare one as inspiration for your quote...let me know.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Both the rap and the raisin made me laugh! Thanks for that. :)

Dazee Dreamer said...

haha. I love both of those quotes. But I have to say, I liked the raisin one a smidge more.

Anonymous said...

Those is a riot! Thanks for the good laugh.


Cheryl D. said...

I like your raisin quote. I think you should sometimes break the rules and quote yourself! Wait a minute...haven't you done that already?

Ingrid said...

Did you know that the Rap has it's origin in slavery ? The slaves were not allowed to talk during work, but allowed to sing, so they talked together by singing.
Rap is therefore very old, only few know about this sad origin.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

going musical is cool.

Judie said...

I have to admit I like the tempo, but I can do without some of the words!!

storybeader said...

very good description of rap.

Here's a raisin haiku:
The poor raisin hung
Outside on the vine looking
For the Botox fix.
- from the storybeader!

Catherine said...

That's nicer than my description. ;)
Thanks for the smile!
Oh, and in case you didn't get my email, I do get all your comments, my Spam catcher is just extremely overzealous. Thanks for your visits!