Welcome to week sixty-seven of Saturday Centus.
I post these on Friday night (do you really think I get up at 3 am to make this live?) so the drawing from last week won't happen until Saturday evening or sometime Sunday. I'll notify you by e-mail AND put up a post.
I liked last weeks 'You are my Sunshine' giveaway.
I think I'll do it again this week.
But not with a 'You are my Sunshine' sign.
The prompt this week is: "Laugh out Loud..."
WORD COUNT - Up to 50 words AND the 3 words of the prompt (53 total maximum words)
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
This fun little mosaic will be the prize for this giveaway.

It is 8.5 x 5.75 inches so it will fit just about anywhere. This is the color it will come in.
This company will only ship to the continental US, so if you win and live anywhere else, your prize will be an Amazon gift card for $25.00.
The little mosaic is already made and paid for. I just need to tell her where to send it, so you'll get your prize fairly quickly.
Here's all the blah-blah-blah fine print stuff.
1. Your linked post is your entry.
2. Linky closes on Saturday August 20. I will use the Random Org site to select a winner on, Sunday, August 21th.
3. I will notify you by e-mail (and with a blog post) on Sunday night so you can get your color selection and address to me.
4. You can get one extra chance for this cute little mosaic by visiting the last 7 links from last weeks SC and leaving each a comment. Just leave a comment on this post telling me you did it and that will count as an extra chance. (Hmmm...I hope that wasn't too confusing.)
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!

Wow, Jenny, you are so good to us!
You are too generous! But I will take the prompt to heart as I head into work this morning. Who knows, maybe I'll come up with something upon my return home this evening, or maybe not. Love you Jenny!
Thank you, Jenny. It was fun to think of this one and use my photos from yesterday's day trip.
Every time I read the revised restrictions about not splitting the prompt and playing nicely, I feel a twinge of guilt. So, because it's ongoing, I've gone back and changed my story. Sorry for being a ramblerouser.
How fun this one is...:))
I REALLY want that little adorable heart..so..I am off to visit the last 7.
xoxo bj
Good morning Jenny...this was one of those weeks where my Centus theme emerged way before your post. When that happens I always find a way to make it work...I have read those last posts from last week's Centus...you know I'm a prize kinda guy ;-)
I just read Anna's post about learning what LOL means...some years back, communications with female friends often had lol in the text. I can't say I knew what it meant, and did not give it much thought. My wife, the Happy Mrs C, being somewhat nosey, would have occasion to check up on me and read my correspondence. She noticed these lols and thought it was some cryptic pronouncement of love from my friends to me. Once we found out the meaning, I am certain she was eating a bite of crow....I hope so anyhoo ;-)
I just left 7 comments to the last 7 players of last week. (which, I might add, of the 7, 4 had the dreaded WORD VERIFICATION on..wonder if they know it?)
Maybe emerging from that sulky, fluffy mood generous Jenny ? Another giveaway (LOVE THAT ) is a happy pappy way to start and in spite of the prompt, I made it work with my continuing story pretty well...and I can't wait to dive into the others !
Have a great week
I so badly want that mosaic, but alas, I live in Canada. Off to volunteer at the thrift shop this morning with my girls, lots of laughs to be found there, will write something later.
Okay you old taskmaster you! I read the last 8 posts from last week even though I didn't write one. Yes, I want that mosaic. Badly.
Wow, what a prize you are offering...but even more of a prize for us (me) is pictures allowed! I love that! They are fun to view, kinda was glad for a shorter 53 total of words, but gee did I have far too much to say and it took me like forever to get it down to just 53! Have a great weekend!
this one was a little hard so I cheated and posted a video instead of a picture I believe I visited all the blogs from last week but I will have to recheck
Hi Jenny,
Thought I'd left a comment for you but, see now that I hadn't.
Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on Gifts, please don't forget to come read my centus for laugh out loud, you never know, you may do just that :)
Okay, just visited Tom...the only one I had missed last week. (Apparently he was late posting due to some very important business.)
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