It'sssss Sattturdaaaayyyyy...and I have something sweet to give away to a lucky winner!
The winner of the cupcake print is:
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-05-08 15:41:29 UTC
And comment 66 was this one! Congratulations Melinda! I'll be gone today but if you don't mind e-mailing me your address I'll get this processed for you tomorrow! jennymatlock at cox dot net
Country Dreaming said...
Oh very cute.
Congrats on the weight loss!
I really the the one you have above your post.
PS: I'm a follower--haven't you
seen me? :) Melinda
And now, how about a new giveaway?
How about the new Weight Watchers Entertaining book containing 135 recipes, ideas, tips and menus for healthy and happy Celebrations?
I'll pick a winner on Monday and get it right out to you!
Geez. My fingers are getting tired. I bet your eyes are exhausted about now!
Can I just talk about Saturday Centus for a moment?
I'm not sure exactly how this will work, or if it will work at all but there was definitely interest in the idea and I think we should try it...if you're game.
Here's how I perceive it working.
Each Saturday I will post a prompt sentence and then you finish the story in 100 words or less. It doesn't have to be exactly 100 words. Just under 100 words to make it easy for us to read. The post should not be illustrated...your words are your descriptions.
The Link for each weeks Saturday Centus will be live for the whole week...until the next Saturdays prompt sentence.
You can visit the link (through the easy Saturday Centus tab at the top of the blog) and I would encourage you to read all the links.
Who knows. Maybe no-one will do it and there might only be mine linked there.
I like the idea of this to challenge our writing. To make us start from a different point to a different destination then we might usually.
The only thing I really want to limit here is language. You can be as dark as you want...cheeriness not required, but I really request sincerely that you limit your use of profanity.
And that is your only guideline.
I am going to put up the first Saturday Centus now.
And hopefully you can be patient with me while we figure out how to make this run smoothly and be a writers inspiration each week.
And please be sure to link back with the button.
And be sure to link your story URL in Linky and not just your main blog URL. I can help you with this if you are confused.
I think I'm done.
I will be gone almost all day today so if you send me a question don't worry if I don't get right back to you!
Thanks for toughing this long blog out!
Good luck on the giveaway.
Congrats to Melinda. I love the WW cookbooks so I'm in!
Sounds like fun! Maybe I'll give it a whirl...
Yay for your it too. Happy Mothers Day Jenny, I hope you'll have a wonderful day! Come say hi :D
Congrats to Melinda!!
Jenny, I just e-mailed you again from my comcast AND my yahoo account. I hope you get one of them...
: ) Silke
That looks like a great cookbook! AND it's swimsuit season!
Hi! Would love to be entered for the Celebrations Cookbook giveaway. I'm already a follower....Have a lovely Mother's Day...
Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)
Hi Jenny. Love the Saturday idea, but I am not very literary! Joni
This cookbook looks wonderful!
Congratulations, Melinda!
Wow, I had no idea how few words 100 is...I've written four different ideas, and I can't seem to convey what I want that quickly. Perhaps this is why all my posts are too long...but thanks for the challenge nonetheless. Always looking for a good prompt...
Oh Congrats Melinda! I will have to go over and get a cupcake now! ;) Have a wonderful and Sunny Mother's Day!
Yea! How exciting!
I'll get my info to you soon.
The cookbook looks interesting too.
Happy Mother's Day to you!
I love the idea of a creative meme - thing! It is so good to be challenged & to see others work. I'm still trying to get my head around the time differences as I'm in the UK!
As for the cookbook well my son is getting married in Dec & I so need to lose weight!!
Jenny, I love the saturday centus posts, it might be Tuesday before I can go and read them all but it was really fun. 100 words was HARD. I had to cut myself off (I am a wordy gal) so for me that was a challenge that I sort of enjoyed!
Congrats to Melinda. I love cooking! I'm going to take the time this week to write on the SC, I think it's a wonderful idea.
Congrats to Melinda and Jenny you always have such great stuff over here! I am loving it! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Anne
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