Thursday, July 29, 2010

Red is for Julia...

Our oldest Grand.
And grand she is.

Born with just the faintest blush of red peach fuzz, Julia went on to grow a mop of curly, dark red hair.

Oh, that hair was a magnet.
Whenever we would go to the store her hair seemed to shine like a beacon ... especially to older folks.

Julia was always a happy, outgoing little girl and when people would approach the shopping cart she would always get this funny, little look on her face like she was thinking, "here we go again."
More often than not an older person would stand by the cart, tears welling in their eyes and say "My Mom (Dad, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother) had red hair..." and then begin telling a story. Julia would observe solemnly with her big blue eyes round with worry. I could see her little mind working...who was this person weeping over her hair again?
When I take her places now she still gets comments and looks...

But there seemed to be something really magnetic about red, curly hair on a cute little girl that brought out a lot of emotion in people.

Although, to be honest, once she started learning her colors, she corrected people quite often by saying "My hair is orange!"

Red or orange, though, this is my link to Alphabe-Thursdays Summer School for the color RED!

Click here to visit other Rainbow Red Summer School posts!

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Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

I love red hair!! Such a cute Red post.

Pondside said...

She's a beautiful girl! We have a red (orange!) haired grandson and DIL - love it!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

what a cutie patootie!
I would love her hair!

Anonymous said...

red or orange, she is darling and has amazing hair!!!!!

Unknown said...

My nephew was born with a beautiful mop of red hair as well...people would approach him as well. Your grand-daughter is adorable!

Carol said...

I got a soft spot in my heart for the 'reds'! Lovely post! I feel as though I know her...and have watched her grow before my very eyes!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

What a sweetie! I don't have any red headed grands, just blonde and brown....

BTW, I love the music this of my very favorite songs of all time...

linda said...

Red hair IS a magnet. For some reason, the majority of the dolls i make have red hair...and quite often i make it curly frizzy.
Great RED post.

Susan Anderson said...

There's nothing quite like a red-headed girl!


Amy said...

Oh her hair is beautiful no matter what you call it. I am sure many people will comment on her hair for the rest of her life.

Cheryl Kohan said...

What a doll! I have a niece with hair that color and I've always loved it. She's a sweetie.

Lourie said...

You just don't see red heads that much. My moms hair was red when she was young, now it is almost completely white. I am blonde, husband is (was) brunette he too is almost completely white. Our oldest has strawberry blonde hair, Little Middle was born a full on red head but now it is more of a tawny color tho she burns like a red head. The Boy is a blondie through and through.

Great post!!

Mardell said...

She is truly blessed to have such beautiful hair! She may not always think so...but ahhh, she is. It just makes me want to run my fingers through it! :o) Boy, she is really getting quite tall. Pretty soon she'll be neck & neck w/her dad!

Lorrie said...

Red curly hair is irresistible! Your grand is a sweetie.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Red hair is definitely magnetic. I know someone who got tired of people always talking about her red hair, but she knew it opened doors for her.

Tina said...

She's absolutely gorgeous. And sounds like a really patient, sweet girl as well. Nice tribute.

The Quintessential Magpie said...



Sheila :-)

Beverly said...

What a lovely post. Your granddaughter is beautiful! My hubs is a red or orange head LOL. Now he is mostly bald, but I have pics of him when he was young and he was adorable. Thanks for reminding me that redheads are very very special:)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous girl!

jen said...

She is either gonna love or hate that hair as a teenager.
I always wished for that hair. Still do.
Lucky girl.

J said...

See, I am a redhead, and uh... I hate when people say my hair is orange.

But whaaaaaateverrr...
Your granddaughter is cute. :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Such a beautiful red headed child!

Lola said...

There's nothing to compare with a red head! And such a cutie!

Lovely post,


Deb said...

great red post...a friends daughter was born with red curly hair also...she's 11 now...and she would always get stopped...your grand daughter is she firey like most red heads...

Tara said...

Hi Jenny! How's is going in your neck of the woods? She is too cute. I hope she learns to love her beautiful hair if she doesn't already. Love the curls too. She was gifted with quite the combination! Hope you have a great day.

Cheryl D. said...

She's a beauty! I hope she loves her hair! Many red-heads don't. But it's a rare and beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

I love her beautiful red mop. I think her pretty smile would have drawn them to her too.

Anonymous said...

I love her beautiful red mop. I think her pretty smile would have drawn them to her too.

Brenda said...

I have aunts and cousins with red hair and have always wanted red hair myself. I have gone completely red with help. And now just get a little added in spots when I have my color put in to cover the gray. Once I tried to pick out a color to do my own and it turned Lucy red. Did not look as good on me as your wonderful grand daughter.

Mary said...

Red (or orange :-) hair is a magnet! She's adorable...

Betty said...

You see red hair, but you just don't see curly red hair that often. She's adorable. Reminds me of Annie.

Chatty Crone said...

I think her hair is beautiful She is a cutie pie. sandie

Chatty Crone said...

I think her hair is beautiful She is a cutie pie. sandie

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Look at that adorable red hair. So cute. My granddaugher is redheaded, too.

Busy Bee Suz said...

She is uniquely cute and special!!

Unknown said...

she is adorable..and her hair is beautiful! i have a niece with really thick light, light blonde hair. i took her to italy once and everybody wanted to touch it. total strangers..coming up and petting her head. she was 9, and had a full list of words to use...but had the same look as you describe your grandbaby having. i don't think there are words for complete and utter astonishment!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful girl with such wonderful curly red hair..I do tempted to touch hair like her, but restraint myself!

Anonymous said...

The curls! I can't get over the curls. She is adorable.


Wanda..... said...

She is beautiful with her red hair and 'blue blue' eyes!

Jeanie said...

It may not always be easy being red, but it sure is cute, especially with all the curls.
It's not easy being green either, but I loved hearing Kermit singing "Rainbow Connection."

Sarah said...

Julia is beautiful. I agree, there is something magical about a red head! No question, there is something special about those who have red hair. I saw a special in the past year that was about the red hair gene disappearing. There was a convention of red heads to hopefully encourage reds to marry another red in hopes of regenerating the red head gene. Great post!
~ Sarah
PS I agree with Julia - looks more orange than red. :-)

Pat Wahler said...

She is definitely a cutie-patootie!


Holly said...

What a beautiful family you are blessed indeed!!!!

Theresa said...

Sweet, beautiful Julia! I have red hair in my family too! My oldest Sister has red hair and ALL three of her children have red hair and one grandchild! It is beautiful. My niece, Sonia has the prettiest red hair and you are correct... it is a magnet!

Enjoy your evening my friend! HUGS!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Oh yes, she is definately a red head not an orange head. LOL! Very pretty little girl! I never knew that red heads would get such neat!

mrs. c said...

My grand has waist-length natural curly hair and it is a people magnet. Her hair is curly like mine so we are known as "the curlies".

BECKY said...

Awwww, so sweet! What is it about red-heads? I guess because it is so unique! Great post, Miss Jenny!

Marlene said...

She's adorable! Love that red mop.!

Laura Lofgreen said...

She is adorable. Reminds me of my own little red head. Thanks for sharing.

Pat Tillett said...

A great post about a cute girl. I had red hair when I was young. It got me into quite a few fights with other kids.

the words "red head freckle face" made me see red...

fredamans said...

Got a little Shirley Temple... she is so cute!!

Viki said...

I love red hair. In my younger days when I used to dye mine, I would dye it an auburn. Now I just let the gray shine through lol. She looks like a real cutie pie.

gayle said...

So pretty!! I love red/orange hair!

Sue said...

What a little sweetheart!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Julia is so beautiful! Having red ( orange) hair is so special, but having patience and grace to deal with all the attention the re(orange)hair attracts is really special, and Julia seems to have that attribute!

signed...bkm said...

Beautiful Julia - a perfect name for a lovely red headed little girl...blessings...bkm

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I think there must be a fairytale that begins with a little girl that had such beautiful red locks it made people weep with joy to see it.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Aw!!! sweet sweet red, curly locks! (um...I mean I will respect Julia's preference to refer her hair color as ...sweet, sweet orange, curly locks!) Gorgeous! I love curly hair...thankfully our children have curly or wavy hair from their father...and not the stick straight hair from me.

I can just imagine what thoughts were milling about when "others were weeping over her hair" :o) Jenny...honestly! When I have a good long vacation, I will be back reading through all your wonderful posts that I have missed!

Blessings & Aloha!

Cannwin said...

Oh, I love red hair. I've always wanted a red headed baby. ::Sigh::

Vicki/Jake said...


Like her grama!

Unknown said...

Monday, August 2nd, 2010
Dear Jenny,
Thank you for your kind words on my red-post. I am a little late with my comments.
Your post is delightful!
What a beautiful child! With a grandchild like Julia you could not choose anything else for the colour red! (Maybe she is why you wanted to do the rainbow?)
If I had a child or grandchild with red hair I certainly would have taken photos of her for this post.
I love red cats. Have you seen my blog with Lin from 'Duck and Wheel with String'? It's called 'The Red Cat Society'. I am sure that I have mentioned this before. It's a blog where red cats can hang out.

Best wishes,
The Red Cat Society

For the benefit of other readers:

Anna's Red B-Words

easternsparkle said...

People pay a fortune for red hair - she is so gorgeous!

Moore Minutes said...

Awww, that is so sweet how she corrects people on her hair color. she is a doll!

Susan said...
