My younger sister is getting married in a few weeks.
To a fireman.
At a fire station.
The bride-to-be likes bling.
The groom-to-be likes...well...ummm...manly stuff, fireman stuff.
Our younger daughter is the maid of honor and asked for a little help planning a small shower in celebration. You know...invitations, games, favors...stuff like that.
I told our daughter, "Just google 'firefighter bling wedding shower' and you'll get lots of ideas.
She gave me an odd look, but complied.
Only to return a few minutes later to say, "That didn't really come up with anything."
I said, "Hmmm...well, maybe try googling fireman bling wedding shower'.
Same look on her face.
Same result.
"Well, you're just going to have to be clever and come up with something," I informed her.
And she did.
Look how cute the invitations are:

So now I am helping my sister trying to figure out how to bling out the buffet at the fire station and guess what?
Google is no help AGAIN!!!!
I tried searching 'blinging out buffet decor for a firefighter wedding'.
Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Can you believe that?
What does Google do all day, anyway?
Lay around on the couch, taking aspirin and whining, "Nobody has a normal request anymore. Fireman bling events!!!! I'm getting such a headache, Oy vey!!!"
I tried to tie this little shower post into an Anniversary post for our nephew and his wife who got married two years ago and had a SURPRISE WEDDING!
I got a new desk calendar this year and I thought the week started with Monday but it starts with Sunday so actually their Anniversary was yesterday which didn't segue at all with my Toadally Cute post...
I'm a day late wishing a Happy Anniversary to Tom and Kris.
Or I guess I could have wished them a Toadally Happy Anniversary, but that didn't seem very romantic.
But you can read about that spectacular wedding event if you want by clicking here.
Just in case you're planning a surprise wedding.
And Google is too busy recovering from the headache we gave it over fireman bling to help you out!
Thanks for the early morning 'rotflmao'..been a long time since I did that!! Did I spell that right?? rotflmao? you know what I mean! :)
Love the invitation.
That's a clever and cute invitation. Good luck with the rest!
I love the invite too! I am surprised there weren't ideas.
I like the invite...I am having trouble thinking of any fantastic ideas to add to your blinged firefighter wedding...though I can tell you that the next person to google it will find your blog!!!
The invitations are especially clever, I guess your daughter takes after you in that way, Jenny! I remember the Surprise Wedding post!
Ohdearohdearohdear.....(I know this word has to be) in your book! ha ha
I hate it when google doesn't pull me through. No really I think I too have been using google since before they hardly began! Like the 19th century!!! ;) Her invitation just rocks! So cool with the play on words...shower and blaze...and the awesome groom! Totally or as in your world (and book) ha ha toadally cool! I do love that toady kind of word! Can't wait to see more on this adventure!
The only advice I can give is to NOT go to THIS BAKERY for the cake!
LOL ... and the invitation is just lovely! :o)
I love that invitation. Creativity must run in your family!
I was afraid that googling 'fireman bling' might bring up something totally inappropriate....I've been stunned a couple of times!
Cute, cute invitation!!!
A surprise weddin'...I've read about such animals but never knew someone who pulled one off! Great!
God bless ya and have a great day sweetie. Hope you and Goggle recover quickly! :o)
What a perfect and fabulous invitation!! Leave it to you to find something clever and creative.
How unhelpful of Google! It seems a perfectly normal request to me :p
(Like Pondside, I did wonder if your search might turn up some rather risqué results!)
Well... that is the cutest shower invitation:) Great job and no thanks to dumb Google! Enjoy your day dear Jenny, HUGS!
OH and I almost forgot, Happy Anniversary to Tom and Kris:)
The card is darling!
That invitation is clever as clever gets!
Hi Jenny,
That 'Surprise Wedding' Post was one of the very first Posts I ever read over here. It was over-the-top wonderful. I still think about it from time to time. : )
Good luck with all planning. That Shower invite is to-die-for ADORABLE!!! Kudos to your daughter on that one!
Ah, google is busy stealing our privacy by tying up all our google accounts and make look redfaced in front the whole world.
Google is known for giving unwanted information actually like the sales girl who tries to push your shoes into a smaller pair of shoes and says ...they look dainty. Thanks for the laughs, needed them after the coughs. :D
h-h-hilarious! Cute cute invites... as for about a toy firetruck all bedazzled in glitter? Oh, you think that would be tacky, do ya? Well, it was more helpful than google on the bling front, wasn't it?!
But seriously, when I googled 'fireman wedding ideas' -yes I know, that's not what you had in mind - they had these cute cake toppers... check them out ...anyway, good luck with all that!
Those invitations were so cute. Come on, you can google firemen without bling, I mean without the word bling. Hell, I don't know what I'm saying. Carry on.
She did great on the invitation!
Google has tons of ideas. Just type in firefighter wedding ideas. There are tons! Cakes, too.
That invitation is adorable. Well, sweet Jenny I would say after all that you are much smarter than Google. With all your talent you will come up with terrific ideas for the bling. Hugs
i kinda like those invites, especially the firefighter climbing up a ladder to the top of the cake, with the girl reaching for his hand. pretty cute.
Ummm....he could always slide down a pole at the alter!...?
Okay I got nothin'~Ames
Everyone had some great ideas and the invite is adorable.
Good Luck!
Yeah, basically, my niece was reading over my shoulder, and pretty much loves you too, now. You are the best and make me laugh all the time. I am so glad I could expose her to a real life author! Love you.
It must be interesting this marriage of fireman.
Hahahahaha! Just goes to show you Google isn't the end all and be all of information and ideas. That was a perfect invite for the theme !!!
The invitations are adorable! Good luck decorating for this wedding. Google needs to get with the program :-)
The best wedding shower invitation I have ever seen! Just perfect.
You would think Google could really run with all those neat keywords you entered...have they gotten too big for their britches??
You brought up the trend in calendars to start with of my newer soap box rants...the week has always started with Monday and this new format has gotten me mixed up way too many times!!
Try Pinterest....there is sooo much stuff on there, it blows my mind and it puts Google to shame, lol. The invite was too cute!!
The invitation is adorable!
I thought Google knew everything! Of course I haven't had the opportunity to look for fireman bling but for some reason I want to now!
You had me laughing out loud at "Just google 'firefighter bling wedding shower' "
The invitations are awesome! Your daughter is brilliant!
You should have asked my son in law -he's a fire fighter - sorry I read this too late - but firemen like BBQ parties - they even have (Unofficial) contests about their BBQ's!
Jenny, that is just the cutest invitation ever! I love it. My daughter's husband was a fireman when they married, and they left the church to go to the reception in a firetruck (with most of our town's other firetrucks behind it), sirens blaring. It was so much fun, but people in town thought the church was on fire, and when we arrived at the Country Club for the reception, people were worried about needing to leave the CC, since they thought it was on fire! I'm afraid, if I ever had a muse, she has deserted me. I want to get back into doing some writing, but I seem to be frozen. laurie
Poor sad is wore out from me using it ALL.THE.TIME!
I love the cute and creative.
I hope the wedding is lovely...hey, I remember the surprise wedding!!!! Do I get a prize? ;)
Those Invitations are just too adorable :) I just love how clever your daughter is! Way to go!
By the way, I just googled "fireman bling wedding shower" and the top 3 results were all from your blog :)
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