This little work of fiction is linked to week 91 of Saturday Centus. The eight word prompt is in bold! To read other offerings, just click here.

Don’t come around here begging for forgiveness AGAIN!
I don’t care anymore. I just don’t.
I know I should. Richer and poorer, sickness and health...violence and scary calm…’til (ohmyGodmyGodwhyhaveyouforsaken me) death.
We’ve been here before. You saying, ‘sorry’, with those wounded-puppy eyes.
Me saying, “I forgive you.”
You saying, “I’ll die without you. I’ll kill myself if you leave!”
Me thinking, “Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease…that’s the only way I’ll ever be free.”
I remember those thoughts…
…and how you tried to beat them out of me.
I have no more forgiveness! I know what you are!
The whole world knows what you are!
We know where all the bodies are buried.

Wow, that's pretty visceral. You didn't even need the photo to get the desired effect.
I'll bet everyone out there knows someone, or has been the someone, who has suffered abuse.
Very poignant, Jenny.
Very good...and very real.
Wow, I feel this way sometimes though! Not quite in the same way but been there for sure.
Wowee, Jenny,
Talk about being hit in the gut with a first hand view of the thoughts, the desperation, wounds and deep pain the abuse rains down on a soul...devastatingly excellent use of the prompt !!!
Oh, the bodies that are buried in THIS is fiction but carries a lot of truth for some.
talk about visceral ... wow ... one wonders how anyone manages to survive such a situation.
Like a punch to the stomach.
And sadly, true for far too many women.
Wow Jenny. That was really touching. And scary that so many woman, children, and men have felt that pain.
Wow! I was out of breath by the time I finished it Jenny! Really good...
Yes, we do, my sister.
Yikes - that was hard-hitting and so real.
You're a master, Jenny. It can be frightening being inside one of those relationships/ dramas/ conversations/ breakups captured it well!
Ah Jenny, you are so brilliant! What a wonderfully written piece! You know just how to rock our emotions with this powerful story. Awesome!
Wow! Good job, Jenny! You've immediately plunged me into the hurt and desperation of a very bad relationship. I was cringing along with her.
Chilling and amazing. I can see it. Excellent job.
Excellent work. Reading your work made me feel that anger and frustration that the speaker is talking about. A job well done. :)
Finally the truth is coming out and it will set him free, ha ha and safe many lives! ...and Jenny ohplease tell me what dictionary you use? I can't find ohpleaseohpleaseohplease in any of mine...and I've heard that word so many times....okayokayokay? ha ha Enjoy your week!
OOps, in too big a hurry here, I forget to say how your photo rocks! Although he reminds me of someone ...I'd rather not remember!
WoW!!! That one's like a punch right to the heart!!!
Great job Miss Jenny!!!
Have a marvelous week sweetie!!! :o)
Really me goosebumps, the remainders of the past kind...lucky, a marred face was not something I faced but....very well written as if you were in her head. In fact psychologists say that...the moment a guy says I can't live with you, I 'll die...we should have already made for the first highway exit.
YIKES! gut punching!
A cast iron skillet would look good smashed in his face! Just sayin. ~Ames
Yikes! Gave me chills! laurie
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