Monday, January 16, 2012

My bicep hurts...

...just the one..., seriously, I'm wondering if I'm a wimp.

My bicep hurts because my son and his wife and her cousin and his wife and some random friend from my son's work and my daughter-in-law's father and brother-in-law all participated in something called Tough Mudder yesterday.

Tough Mudder is a course made for ... ummm... crazy people (sssshhhh...don't tell all the aforementioned people that's what I said...I'm kinda/sorta afraid of anyone that does that much physical training) who wish to torment themselves by crawling through mud, sand, pipes and obstacles while being subjected to things like electroshock therapy.




While all this muddy, freezing, gritty, smelly torture was happening elsewhere in Arizona...

I got to babysit two Grandlittles AND A 15 month old baby!

A baby!


She was soooo cute.

And babylike.

And sweet.

And she babbled and blew kisses and looked at the sky with amazement when birds and planes went overhead.

I read to her.

I sang to her.

Along with all the other assorted Grandma stuff I do with Grandlittles...playing games, talking, reading, playing games, making food, talking, making food, reading... (You know...the usual stuff)

But my littlest charge wanted to be carried.

And carried.

And carried.

And now, my right bicep is sore.

And I'm feeling slightly wimpy.

I didn't crawl through mud or hang from wires or wriggle through water filled pipes (I wonder if anyone ever gets stuck in those pipes...shudder...)

I didn't have electroshock therapy or get sprayed with a fire hose...

I didn't...



Wait a second here.

I babysat three little girls on a rainy Sunday and did all that game playing, baby carrying, feeding/talking/reading stuff for 7 1/2 hours!

Maybe I am a Tough (Grand) Mudder after all!

Except for my right bicep, that is.


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Pondside said...

You are one tough grandmudder! When one has been in charge of walking-talking grandlittles for some time, the return to baby care is daunting.
You are BRAVE and you ROCK as a mum and grandmum!

Anonymous said...

I've heard about those! Some of my friends parents do that. I really want to try it, it would be so fun! I'm pretty sure they have kid categories where it's not as hard.

Alli Blue said...

You are soooooo tough!

After each baby I always forget how much my arms will hurt from holding them!

But I cannot think of a better pain with a purpose!

Birgit said...

Oh, thanks for the smile! :)


Theresa said...

You are a tough GRANDMUDDER and WERE before yesterday:) Hope your bicep recovers quickly!!!! HUGS!

Deborah Ann said...

Is that what you call tough love? Heheh. I have the same problem with my arms, from holding babies and talking on the phone for too long. Sometimes it's better to worship from a distance. :-)

Jeanie said...

Two little ones and a baby for over 7 hours is not me it is sort of heroic. My 3 youngest grandkids are still in the lifting stage and that is what wears me-the lifting. I sure will miss it when they grow out of it though.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny you are strong and tough. I babysat one Grand Little who is 9 months old but big and today I'me exhausted. Of course I will do it again and again but's tough works. Thanks goodness for the perks of hugs and kisses!
xo Linda

Jo said...

you are one tough Grand Mudder! looking after all of those littles plus an extra must take a huge amount of energy ... now go grab a cup of tea and nurse that arm back to health!

J said...

that's cute. and i bet you are a tough grandmudder. probably tougher than i could imagine being.

Nonna said...

You had the tougher day for sure. Watching beautiful, precious children is both fun and an enormous responsibility...good going pat yourself on the back with your left hand and arm only and take a long rest !!! XO

Anonymous said...

You are tough! I know because I'm often called into duty for 3 little boys, 2, 1 and 6 months, all who need to be carried from time to time. By the time I'm done I'm aching all over!

Willoughby said...

You have every right to call yourself a tough grandmudder! I'll bet you enjoyed every minute of it, though.

I hope your arm feels better soon!

Susan Anderson said...

Actually, I think you should win the trophy.

Or at least A trophy.


Judie said...

The twins wanted to be picked up and carried, but I know my limitations. I tried anyway. Oops!

What a nice grandmudder you are, Miss Jenny! Much nicer than I am.

Amy said...

awwww, poor wittle bicep!

anitamombanita said...

Sorry. No sympathy here! Sounds like you had a marvelous day. Think of it as you would the stomach ache that comes after eating just a little too much of your very very favorite food. So it hurts a little. But would you do it again? YEs! In a heartbeat!!!

Jocelyn said...

Oh how I have missed amaze me....

Well let me tell you....some of my friends and daughter did a race like this and wanted me to do it with them....HAHAHAHAHA....I said no way...but I did the same as you...watched little ones and I can identify with the soreness I experienced from trying to pick up and carry little ones around all day!!!!

I should have run through the mud with the rest of them!!!

Wishing you a Fabulous Day and break out the muscle rubbing helps!!! :-)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Believe me, a wimp woulda' wimped out before seven and a half hours.

God bless and have a super day!!! :o)

Ames said...

Let me introduce you to my new little friend. His name is GERITOL. :D

You know, I started to get an anxiety attack thinking about crawling through a pipe filled with water. I can't swim and just reading it set my heart to racing!I gotta go lay down now. I hope I don't have nightmares about this.

Glubble Glub...

Imb gluble glub...


Oh gee, I feel the nightmares starting already.~Ames

Brenda said...

Love it, I am not the only one with aching body parts after spending a day or two with the grands. And we have a new grand baby due in May. I am looking forward to holding a baby again. Our youngest turned three and he is too big for me to pick up anymore.

Betty said...

You're just out of haven't bent down to pick up a baby for a while. No wonder that bicep hurts.

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

It is tough being a grandmother sometimes....GO GRANDMUDDER!!

Ms. A said...

I hear ya! My arms shake for hours after the little one goes home. Then I'm sore for a couple of days. How the heck did we ever raise kids? Oh, yeah... we were LOTS younger then!

H said...

You're way tough Jenny. All of that crawling through pipes and stuff is for wimps. It's the babysitting that's the real hard stuff!! (And you do it so well!!)

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I forgot what it's like to have a carrying baby around the house.I can't say I miss it, yet.

Terra said...

First of all she is ADORABLE...I would have carried her for 7 hours just because...and yes, I would have been sore today too. Second of all...Mudder? Um, no thanks for me and lastly.....did you get my email? Just in case watch your porch today...please...

Ingrid said...

A new Grandma fashion for body building !

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I had my littlest for the weekend and my whole body is sore, tired and limp acting...

You are a tough grand mudder in my book!

Sue said...

At least it was a baby. I have bursitis in my elbow now from cuddling a puppy that is growing so fast and doesn't realize she is almost too big to be cuddled that way! I'll bet it was worth it! Babys are fun.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are a tough and sweet MUDDER!!! That baby is delicious!

KM said...

What a wonderful PUN!!
My friend did the tough mudder last year and I told her she was INSANE.

Pat Tillett said...

That is not an easy task! you are indeed one tough mudder! the older I get, the less I want to babysit. Don't tell my grandkids, okay?

Unknown said...

LOL good on you! It's a workout you know.

I always used to find it was my right hip that hurt, I finally worked out I swayed to have the kid on my hip! Silly me!