Thursday, January 5, 2012

A memory of a farmhouse

The spring water poured from the side of the hill like a faucet abandoned by children called to an early dinner of their favorite dishes.

The crystal ribbon of water was achingly, gaspingly cold.

A cold so intense it almost felt like fire if you left your hands under the stinging flow for too long.

The water ran down a small incline and bubbled and burbled along a narrow waterway edged in a frill of emerald green so powerful it imprinted the intense color on to your retinas.

Watercress and water polished pebbles…

Luscious, luxuriant, verdant blades of grass and precious, blonde-haired little girls looking for treasures and arrowheads …

A memory from a farmstead in honor of the letter “G”.

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "G". To read other offerings, just click here.

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Lola said...

Water *g*urgling over *g*rass and rocks
like doves *g*reeting one another in *g*liding flocks...

*G*reat memories and images evoked!

A very Happy New Year to you and yours, Jenny!

XOXO Lola:)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Golly Gee, ya grabbed some glorious memories there.

I love the most descriptive post today. I could almost feel the cool of the spring arisin' outta the screen. Burrrrr, got a little chill here.

God bless ya sweetie and have a great day!!!

Pat said...

Keep those memories coming, Miss Jenny - each one is a gift to your readers!

Our well water is like that - so cold it hurts and so fresh and natural.

ellen b. said...

Lots of great descriptive G's here Jenny! Happy New Year. I'm back in the game...

Pondside said...

That was the best description of water from a spring - and I love the image of the happy girls and gurgling stream. Beautiful.

Susan Anderson said...

I like these memory pieces you've been doing lately!


Tracy said...

Ok this might not seem hard to you but I have just totally confused myself. Firstly I signed into your blog and thought Oh I want to do some blog visiting not read yours then as is my want I started from the bottom and ended up with your blog any way oh yes and very good it is too

Unknown said...

Wow, your words alone paint quite the picture here but I do also love the little pictures you used:-) Great post!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture you painted!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Love it!

Makes me homesick for the farm I grew up on in PA...

Maude Lynn said...

This reminded me of my little sister! Lovely!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Jenny, just reading this piece gave me a chill from the icy water. I could visualize the two precious blond headed girls. Great job! The holidays, and a hand injury have had me soooo busy, but I do plan to get back into joining Sat. Centus soon. laurie

Leovi said...

These deliciously wonderful blue colors in water and stones, really delicate, wonderful. I hope you've had a great time for the holidays, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2012

mrs. c said...

Great visual story and photos, thank you for this creative avenue.

Pat Tillett said...

Great descriptions Jenny! I could feel the biting cold of that water!
Hope you are doing well...

Anonymous said...

Love your writing Jenny. Happy New Year my Friend...How are the little grands these days?
Patti :)

Judie said...

I hope you know that I understand this post, Miss Jenny.


anitamombanita said...

I love these memories you keep sharing, no matter if they are real or imagined. I'm enjoying imagining them.

Amy said...

Jenny, you are a wordsmith. You are amazing. I love it!

21 Wits said...

Goodness gracious, just as I was ready to keep on reading it was over! What a lovely read this was! Amazing visions with every word!

Ingrid said...

Romantic post ! My hands feel already cold ! You should have titled your post "Memory of a green farmhouse" ! lol !

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

One little bird was singing outside on this dark January morning, and reading this I could almost convince myself that I smelled spring!

Gail said...

This could have been taken from my childhood or my present life.

I saw the stream, the water, and the girls looking for arrowheads.

Beautifully written.

Neabear said...

How refreshing! Makes me want to sit and Gaze on the glorious water.


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello Jenny
I'm new this week and really enjoyed how you slipped in the letter G at the end of your post.
Memories are a worthy thing to share and reflect upon.
I hope to get the knack of using the weekly letter in imaginative ways.
Thanks for hosting.

H said...

Fact or fiction?

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

great memories makes me want to go live on a farm

Busy Bee Suz said...

Jenny, this is JUST beautiful...just beautifully written.

The Poet said...

Hello Jenny. Happy New Year!
I'm really enjoying this nostalgic journey of yours.
Nice imagery. The water polished pebbles is lovely.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I always look forward to your comments.

Wishing you all the best for this coming year. May it be one filled with much happiness, laughter & of course an abundance of love!
See you next week!

Golden Footprints

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