It was the best sled riding hill in the world. Or at least that’s what my children thought.
Not only was it steep and fast, the top of the hill was right by the laundry room door…a perfect scenario for three small children with perpetually cold hands and feet.
I sat by the kitchen window with a cup of steaming tea and watched three penguin children waddle up and down the glittery slope. Their red, navy and sky blue ski suits gleamed brightly against the white canvas of snow.
A black-speckled enamel sauce pan filled with hot cocoa simmered on the stove. The adjoining laundry room was cozy with the constantly running dryer.
When the knocks came, I would open the laundry room door and three red-cheeked children would crowd into the warm space…snow melting onto the ugly linoleum floor into immediate puddles adorned with discarded mittens and long, colorful scarves.

They would sip eagerly at small mugs of cocoa…anxious to return to the excitement of sleds in the arctic, or magic carpet rides, or whatever their imaginations concocted around the slickery fun of sliding down hills…fast, fast, fast.
Then each child would be lifted up onto the dryer where I would exchange their cold little socks for warm ones. Warm-from-the-dryer mittens would go back on little hands, warm scarves would wrap around glowing little faces…
…and they were off!
And so was I.
Mittens, gloves and socks went back into the dryer for the next round.
Puddles would be mopped up.
Cocoa mugs rinsed out.
And I would resume my post by the kitchen window.
I was the guardian of my children making memories...
...The official guardian of the hill…

This little memory is written in honor of the letter “H” for Alphabe-Thursday. H is for Hill.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "H". To read other offerings, just click here.
Not only was it steep and fast, the top of the hill was right by the laundry room door…a perfect scenario for three small children with perpetually cold hands and feet.
I sat by the kitchen window with a cup of steaming tea and watched three penguin children waddle up and down the glittery slope. Their red, navy and sky blue ski suits gleamed brightly against the white canvas of snow.
A black-speckled enamel sauce pan filled with hot cocoa simmered on the stove. The adjoining laundry room was cozy with the constantly running dryer.
When the knocks came, I would open the laundry room door and three red-cheeked children would crowd into the warm space…snow melting onto the ugly linoleum floor into immediate puddles adorned with discarded mittens and long, colorful scarves.

They would sip eagerly at small mugs of cocoa…anxious to return to the excitement of sleds in the arctic, or magic carpet rides, or whatever their imaginations concocted around the slickery fun of sliding down hills…fast, fast, fast.
Then each child would be lifted up onto the dryer where I would exchange their cold little socks for warm ones. Warm-from-the-dryer mittens would go back on little hands, warm scarves would wrap around glowing little faces…
…and they were off!
And so was I.
Mittens, gloves and socks went back into the dryer for the next round.
Puddles would be mopped up.
Cocoa mugs rinsed out.
And I would resume my post by the kitchen window.
I was the guardian of my children making memories...
...The official guardian of the hill…

This little memory is written in honor of the letter “H” for Alphabe-Thursday. H is for Hill.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "H". To read other offerings, just click here.
This is beautiful Jenny! I can see the entire action vividly through your words.
Absolutely perfect. If I were an editor, I'd fire myself.
What a lovely scene you conjured up for us to see, I could picture it all in my mind's eye.
Happy Days!
Makes me want to go and paint a winter sled riding scene!
You know, I've never been able to experience something like that before. Here in Georgia we don't get fun snow adventures like that... At least not where I've always lived.
Hilariously, heavenly hear them go,
Experiencing thrills all down the hill!
XOXO Lola:)
What a wonderful memory - no doubt your children cherish it too :-)
This sounds wonderful! I just need a little snow!
When my daughter was small, we lived in Mpls. Oh, how we kept that dryer hummin'. Your story brought back lots of memories. We're having snow today so my daughter will be doing the dryer/cocao thing this afternoon. Jan
We are in the midst of our first snow storm brought back such memories with this. Of course I don't think I had your patience. You make it all sound so sweet and I wonder now if I was complaining about the puddles.
Oh these tales farm the old farmhouse are the best kinds of stories....real honest to goodness reflections and packed full of memories for us all! ;)
I'm sure they hold those memories near and dear to their hearts to this day.
What a good Mama!!! I could of told this very same story almost word for word. Ahhhhh, today my hill is empty 'cept for the ice and snow on it.
God bless ya sweetie and enjoy your memories. :o)
Your stories always provide the BEST mental images! Love them!
What fun they must have had and what a loving, sweet mom you were to keep them all dry and warm. Wonderful memories and a great read sweet Jenny. Hugs
Love it! Can just feel those warm mittens going on little chilled red hands...
What sweet images...
Lovely Jenny. How wonderful for the kids to have a guardian of the hill with warm treats ready for them!
Jenny, you painted the scene so nicely! It took me back so many many years to when sledding was truly an adventure. You have made your children's adventure one to be cherished forever.
lovely, Jenny. thanks for reminding me of those days.
Your love shouts loud and clear in your stories! " of my children's memories..." LOVE IT!
BTW...the box of fragrant sunshine arrived today. The kids and I are making all kinds of plans as to what to make. You are such a blessing!
great post. My mom used to make us this hot tea that had the orange ting in it. It was nasty and I usually took it into the bathroom and dumped it into the toliet. (not sure why I just didnt dump it down the sink I was a weird kid)
I love this! Reminded me of when I was a kid.
Sweet childhood memories, the smells and sounds of kids warming up after a fun day in the snow:) Enjoy your evening my friend AND the memories! HUGS!
Everyday details = wonderful memories. You do this so well!
I can just feel the warmth of the socks and mittens out of the dryer! Great memory Jenny. hugs, Linda
I don't know what to say. That was great? Good job? Beautifully written? Well, all of the above, and it still seems inadequate for describing how much I enjoy your writing. So there.
What fun!!! LOVE those memories...and hope to get to have some of them with my kids this winter!!!~COME ON, SNOW!!!! :)
This takes me back to my childhood! It wasn't exactly like your picture, but not terribly different. We had the best hill. It was across the street and through a neighbor's yard. Up and down the hill we'd go for hours. till our feet were freezing. We'd run home and put those feet up on the radiator to warm. Back out again we'd go!
beautifully written Jenny ... and what wonderful memories ... i remember doing this for my own child ... oh what precious times!
What a loving mommy you were. I bet your children will always remember that. And what a loving memory to have!~Ames
Perfect! Just what you need at the top of a sledging hill!
My childhood sledging hill was brilliant. Unfortunately, it was a 20 minute walk from my aunt's house; not a laundry room in sight.
This is SO darn beautiful Jenny....I LOVES it!
What great memories you have, but you forgot about the cold, runny noses. :)
What a nice mom! When I came inside wet and cold I wasn't allowed outside again. There were no warm mittens or hot chocolate waiting.
Hello Jenny.
The way you retell your stories just brings tears to my eyes. They are so vivid & heartfelt. You should consider putting all these posts into a memoir.
Simply lovely.
Thanks you for sharing & allowing us to be a part of your nostalgic journeys. Hugs & best wishes.
Harp Of My Soul
This post conjures up so many sweet thoughts, a child's free play and imagination born in a winter wonderland and the warms of a mom waiting inside to rejuvenate them with hot cocoa and dry clothes, warming them from inside out. Great job Jenny!
I was totally there with you and the children! What a special memory for you all!!
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