Our Grandlittles had an early out from school on Wednesday and I picked them up and brought them to the house.
For some reason the littlest Grandlittle and the biggest Grandlittle were in a bickery mood with each other. They pretty much just played separately and didn't interact much at all.
When Mr. Jenny and I were driving them to meet their Mom, I suggested that we all take turns telling what we admired about each other.
We started with Grandpa.
Oh my. We all thought Grandpa was smart, and good at basketball, and a good-dog-taker-care-of-person, etc.
They all thought I was nice and kind to everyone and patient and a good hugger.
When we got to the biggest Grandlittle, Grandpa went first. "Oh," he said, "You are good at basketball and you are very smart."
I went next. "You are sooo patient with animals and are so loving when anyone is hurt."
The middle Grandlittle said something like, "You help me with my homework."
And finally, it was the littlest Grandlittle, Miss Mo's, turn.
"Hmmmm..." she said, thoughtfully with her finger on her lip in deep concentration.
"Hmmm...give me a minute here...hmmm..."
The oldest Grandlittle got a little annoyed, 'Well, gee, Momo, that's really nice of you...you can't think of anything?"
Mo continued to contemplate the difficult task.
I said, "Mo, can't you think of anything nice that you like about Julia?"
"Wellll..." she finally said, "Okay! I have it! You gave me a quarter. Once."

Then she hesitated.
"But I think that was about a year ago."
We were all silent.
Mr. Jenny and I were trying not to laugh out loud.
More silence.
I cleared my throat, "Well, Miss Mo, that was a nice thing for her to do then, right?"
Mo thought a minute more and then reiterated, "Yeah, she gave me a quarter once."
And we moved on.
Sisterly love.
thats too cute. hey at least she thought of something! lol
happy weekend
I wish my sister would give me a quarter..... or just move out for good:-). You're grandlittles ate too cute!
So cute, can't wait to have grand littles!
Jenny, I love this story, when L and H get particularly bitter with each other I do something similar and for some reason it does work...
Little Miss Mo sounds like my Grandson Dylan speaking of his older sister, Katie!
That was digging deep, but dig she did, and I'm sure it shifted something in her attitude.
You have such great conversations with your grandgirls.
Sister could have responded by offering another quarter along with saying "Here's a quarter call someone who cares." Wait, I guess that song is not relevant anymore since no one uses pay phones and they cost more than 25.
Hey, a quarter is a quarter, right?
Love it!! I remember those sister moments!
hahah....and that's her $.25 worth on the subject! LOL
Cute! Love the lets say something nice about each other moment. Love kids!
Funny and charming. Greetings.
Oh my, that's pretty funny! But you know, no matter what the response implied, at least they weren't fighting at the moment:)
Oh how cute:) Just a quarter, ONCE! Love it! Have a blessed day dear Jenny, HUGS!
That quarter must of been special or she would of never remembered it.
God bless and have a terrific weekend sweetie!!! :o)
That's a great exercise. And I'll bet that Mo wasn't in any mood to think of something good about her sister, but she dug deep and came through. Good for her.
I'm proud of you for keeping it together. I probably would have giggled and got a "Grandma, it's not funny!"
lol sounds like my younger brother and me
Out of the mouth of babes. Like it or not they are honest.~Ames
Guess you have to pick the right time to play that game, not on a bickery day! LOL!
Oh so funny!
Have a great weekend.
come by Dreaming soon.
LOL! Mo is a hard one to please! :) My sister and I are 5 years apart and we've never really been friends ..we are such different personalities.
That is so darn funny! 'Once' ...I love it!
My sister and I were VERY different! We were never as close as she claimed we were. She wanted to be my mother's clone, and that is exactly what happened to her. I wanted to be myself. I won.
The periods of love and hate between siblings are amazing. One day, they will realize how much they mean to each other.
Also, when school lets out early, one of our girls always asks me if I can pick my GD up from school. I've noticed, that on those early out days, there are more grand parents picking up kids than parents... I love picking her up from school because no matter how many times I do so, she always acts like it's the biggest and nicest surpise ever!
priceless, yes! and now it's written here for all eternity--a wonderful fond memory of sisterly _____ truth!
I'm laughing out loud. So cute, and what a great idea for a game to make the kids stop and think about what they like about one another ~ even if one had a difficult time! love it. laurie
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