Mr. Ed called me yesterday with a few questions about the entire Craig's list, patio table selling fiasco.
Do you know who Mr. Ed is?
If you don't...well...he's a talking horse...from a TV show back in the dark ages...and he was always pretty informative in a ... well ... horsey kind of way. I don't think this particular series is going to see the light of day again...but, hey, I was wrong about Hawaii 5-0, too!
Mr. Ed told me to answer some of the most common questions from my two part story. Mr. Ed is pretty persuasive. I think it's those big, yellow teeth.
Ahem...Mr. Ed. This post is for you.
We live in an old residential area with some yards having lots up to TWO acres. We are allowed to have chickens, goats and horses on our lots. Many of our neighbors have these things. We do not. Our only livestock here is Oskar, the weiner dog.
The crazy looking ticked-off lady with wild red hair and her husband, the surveyor, have a huge lot. They have horse sheds and I'm pretty sure they own the obnoxious rooster in the immediate neighborhood...Grrrrr...
We can't see into that alley from anywhere in our yard and we only go into that alley when we need to haul something out of the far back, back yard.
Speaking of which...I designed our yard to be a series of 'rooms'. You can see parts of each yard from the other, but never the whole yard at the same time. It's a cool layout. Works well for parties. There are five separate components to our back yard...the yard by the kitchen, the yard by the pool, the side yard where the herb gardens are, the middle yard where the tire swing is and, finally, the back, back yard. Just because you asked.
All those yards won't matter much anymore because we sold our house.
It was a surprise to me, too.
Remember when Mr. Jenny and I went away to Winslow (to stand on the corner) in early November? When we left home, all was well in our business world. When we returned, all was not. Minor understatement.
Long, weepy, crazy story made short ... the major part of our business tanked. We've both been self-employed since almost forever. When stuff like this happens in your small business, you have to make hard decisions...fast...with your head and not your heart.
I told my heart to shut up, called the bank and a realtor and the house was sold right after Thanksgiving. In one day. Boy, there are stories about that, too. Especially about the family that bought the house. But...Mr. Ed won't like it if I stray from what this post is supposed to be about. Obviously, Mr. Ed doesn't understand the 'off on a tangent' way my mind works...
We've been in this lovely home a good long while but change is good...and a house is still just a collection of things and memories. We'll take the memories with us, but a lot of the stuff has to go...thus the garage sales and the Craig's list sales.
We are going to move closer to our Grandlittle's, rent a house for a year or two and regroup.
My biggest battle with the whole 'selling the house thing' was HAVING to sell versus DECIDING to sell. But, really, that's just a matter of pride and feeling out of control.
And since pride and control are so often self-saboteurs of sanity, I told myself to quit being a whiner, this happens to many people every day, I wasn't so special as to avoid such icky things, and to move on. Literally and figuratively.
To do so, I've been interviewing for some virtual customer service jobs. I need to get a 'real' job for awhile as we regroup, but health issues make it difficult for me to be away from home some days. If you know of anyone hiring for positions like that, let me know!
I've also been packing two boxes a day and sorting through stuff in the process. So far I think we've donated about 200 books and haven't really put a dent in the pile. I shudder to think where all the rest of the stuff packed away in closets and cupboards came from. Who the heck put all that stuff there anyway?
If they neighbors haven't put up some kind of a fence keeping their horses in their yard and out of the alley by this weekend, Mr. Jenny and I will go to the neighbors together (without a plate of cookies) and tell them their horses will continue to get out as we use that gate. And maybe I will shovel up a little of that horse manure and pile it in the side of the garden. The people moving in are gardeners and I suspect that would be a great house-warming gift for them.
Anyway...I have a two box packing quote to meet AND I have a phone interview with a company out of Cincinnatti who uses Virtual customer service agents!
Mr. Ed say's I've written enough now and I'm free to go!
Thanks for reading my little story. I'm still laughing over the whole thing. It just makes me laugh! Life is good, my friends!
Hugs from...

hang in there, jennie. 2 boxes at a time sounds like a great plan to me.
Wow, you were sure lucky to sell your home so fast. I hope the new place you move to will be wonderful. I would hate packing, what a pain. The only good thing would be, I would probably see things I haven't seen in years, lol.
Oh, your horse/dog/patio furniture/crazy lady/cookies story is hysterical! I went back and read the first two installments -- now I'll be laughing all day!!!
Good luck with the move and the packing -- I know what a pain that can be, but I'll bet there'll be more funny stories to tell!
(and thanks for stopping by my blog!)
You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time! Sorry to hear you are going through all this. So glad to hear you will be closer to your grandlittles! I know how much they mean to you. I had two weeks to move out of my last house and to this day I don't know what happened to all my stuff. Not that I need anymore mind you. Just having the positive attitude you have will get you through. Just think of it as a Spring cleaning of your life. And since you are a Master gardener you will design and create your next beautiful garden somewhere else. If I was there I'd help you pack, sort, sell, donate, and move. Love ya, mean it!~Ames
I've just had a great time reading your hilarious crazy lady/dog/horses/patio furniture saga.
Priceless, it could only happen to Jenny.
Hope life get's easier from now on, good luck with the move.
Would it make things any easier to know that Mr. Ed isn't really a horse with horsey sense? He's actually a zebra and I'm not sure how much sense they have since they are constantly being attacked and eaten by lions. So go ahead and go off on your tangent. Get it out. I am sending cyber hugs your way. (oh and if you don't believe me...Snopes.com has the whole story)
I'm so out of the loop, I had no idea you had so much going on. We reallllllly need to catch up. Sending some virtual hugs your way!
I love your positive outlook on things. Cup 75% full, rather than leaking out the bottom. I admire that and wish you ALL the best in this coming year...with the house, with the move, with work, with health, and with everything and anything else you need. You provide a lot of people with a lot of goodness...I hope it will coming flooding back to you.
Hi Jenny: I am so sorry to hear about your home. You are a touch lady and I know you will get though this. 2011 was a hard year for me too, so I know how you are feeling. I will be praying for you. You are a dear friend. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Hugs, Martha
Such a shame that big chages were "have tos" instead of "want tos." Of course these things have a way of working out for the best. Hope you can keep looking for the humor in all this.
o hun *HUGS* i'm sorry about ya'lls business, but at least you'll get to be closer to the grandlils...I know you and Mr. Jenny will only come out better in the end because ya'll are awesome like that!
"Oh Wilbur!"
Sorry to hear all of this, but you seem to be in good spirits and have a good attitude to move forward. Selling your house in a day is awesom (I hope). Good luck and hang in there... Good vibes coming your way my friend!
Best of luck with all of it Jenny. You are a woman of strength and perseverance and your sense of humor will get you through all of life's challenges with a smile I am sure! You are a hero to many of us who read you and relish the glimpses we get into your amazing life. Much love...
Fun photo. Great story. I hope you get a good price for the house. Greetings.
Nothin' says lovin' like a big old pile of rich horse hockey for a housewarmin' gift!!!
I so understand how movin' from your beautiful home can tug at your heartstrings but we've had several business and ya gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.
It's great your gonna be close to the little people in your life! Now that's livin'!!!
Now I'm off to sing...Ahummmmm, "A horse, is a horse of course of course and no one can talk to a horse of course, that is of course, unless the horse, Is the famous Mister Ed! ...
I told ya'll I have no self~control!
God bless ya sweetie and have a stupendous day!!! :o)
The silver lining is definitely being closer to your grandkids. And I agree that looking at the good stuff feels a lot better than dwelling on the downside(s).
I'm sorry it all happened the way it did, but I hope your newest voyage in life turns out to be a wonderful adventure, Jenny. With you at the helm, I suspect it will!
Oh Jenny....I am speechless....I am sorry this has happened, but if there are two people who can make the best of it, it is you and your hubby.....I had no idea....I don't know what else to say my friend. Your backyard(s) were all amazing and I am sure you will miss them, but there is always a new landscape that needs your magic! PLEASE let's get together....Love you! Sandy
Well Ms. Jenny, life continues to throw curve balls doesn't it? I totally understand the "have to vs. want to" selling issue, but some day you may find that having to sort through all the stuff we have collected by our ages was a blessing. We are starting to talk about where we will move (somewhere near Orlando) and how we will part with all the family pieces and "things" that we have collected. While I won't wish for a "have to" at least maybe that forces one to do what they should do anyway. Did that make sense?
I hope you have success finding a work from home job. I will say a little prayer for that and for your sanity as you go through all of the changes life has thrown you. Sending you a big hug.
Loved the horse story...wouldn't love the people with the horses.
i loooooved that show!!! i would stay up late at night and watch it with my grandmother on nick at night!
The plus side is you will be closer to the grandlittles. :)
Selling your house in this economy is a good thing. I'm convinced that everything happens for a reason even if we don't see the complete picture at the time. Being closer to the grandkittles is a big plus. I hope you still have a while to get all those boxes packed! By the way, I definitely remember Mr. Ed along with Howdy Doody.
I'm sorry for all the chaos and upheaval, I know you will handle it like a trooper and your sense of humor will remain intact. Guess you could say this one was straight from the horses' mouth.
Big hugs!
I've been catching up and WHAT a LOT to take in, Jenny! All that horse chasing and poop in your alley, the ticked-off lady/hugger and selling your home. Wish I were there to help you pack...I'd bring you some cookies! It is bittersweet, but sounds exciting too! Take care!
Jenny thanks for the update! Love the stories so much. Sad that you have to move but we do what we have to do and there are good things going to happen from it. I know losing my job was a huge blow to me but I've learned to handle a frugal lifestyle and have embraced it. At least being closer to the Grand Littles will be a positive. hugs, Linda
You have a lot on your plate. Handling it like your are with a sense of humor and Mr. Ed looking over your shoulder will hopefully get you through it all.
The horse/alley story is funny. The having to sell your house because of business is NOT funny. But I totally understand and I love your attitude about this. Stuff is stuff and you can be happy just about anywhere. The best of luck in the work area too Jenny; you deserve the best in life my friend. I can't imagine a company that could not benefit from having you represent them!!!
Oh Jenny, We have been there and done that! I know you two will do well and you have the hearts to make the best of this situation. On a silly note, I love Mr. Ed! I once stayed awake for nearly 30 hours taping the old series on Nickelodeon! Ha Ha!
I think sometime things that appear upside down and inside out really are better for us in the long run!
Keep us posted as to what is going on!
As for a house filled with stuff! Ha Ha! I have a two car garage filled to the rafters with stuff! I am not sure who stuck all that stuff in my house either?!?!
Love and best of everything to you and your sweet hubby. Take care and thanks for the smile with Mr. Ed and Wilbur! Anne
I am so sorry that you have to sell! I wish we could sell our house. I really wish we could. Darn economy. I hope you get the consulting job from Cincinati and are able to stay in AZ near your grandlittles.
I know what you are going through, but know that it will get better and things will look brighter. Good luck with the job hunt and the move. Hugs!
The horse story was hysterical. You have a wonderful attitude, don't ever lose it!
I guess it's good that your house sold so quickly, our housing market is still overcrowded with vacancies. You can always come stay with us, it's 19 degrees here this morning, doesn't that sound brisk? I will give the economy a punch in the scrotum in your honor today.
Haven't had a computer this week because of the storm! Now I understand the move! Have a blessed day, hope it will be a great one! HUGS!
I don't know how I missed this post (well, maybe I do, since I have been in bed for most of the past two weeks), but you handled the situation brilliantly, sister.
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