Destroy our entire kitchen, family and breakfast rooms.
I'm crabby.
Really, really crabby.
As in...give me a five pound box of chocolates and get out of my way crabby.
Over the past few days our beautiful house has become a wrecking zone.
And, no, not because I'm a there.
Apparently, there has been a very small leak in the kitchen drain pipe located inside the kitchen wall for a long, long time.
Apparently, water leaks that go undetected for a long, long time suddenly decide to wreak havoc.
Apparently, water leaks don't care if you're attempting to move...or if you're a little attached to having running water or appliances.
Water leaks are kinda/sorta obnoxious when you come right down to it.
So our fun this week has been watching this happen...

See what I mean? Five pounds of chocolate required!
But it's all going better now. Our oldest genius daughter came up with the idea of renting a storage 'POD' which is being delivered on Saturday and which will allow us to be able to walk through the remaining undestroyed rooms in our house without climbing over piles of ...ummm... stuff.
My genius mother came up with the idea of making our laundry room into a temporary kitchen...

Our youngest daughter is an organizational genius and she is moving and rearranging.
And me. I'm just dreaming of chocolate and finding every single crockpot recipe ever invented!
It's an adventure.
And the guy buying the house thinks it's funny. "Better you than me," he says.
He's coming over Saturday to view the destruction.
Hopefully he won't laugh at me...or I might have to beam him with a ripped up piece of once lovely hardwood floors.
We're doing good, though.
Just kinda/sorta crabby.
Please, please...don't show up for a home tour today! Unless you have chocolate! Or crockpot liners!
So sorry that mess is happening but your family definitely steps up to get through it so you're lucky I'm that respect:-). Hope it goes as smooth as things like that can go & that you get some of that chocolate therapy:-)
Oh Jenny, is that from an ice maker water line?? Now I am freaking out here. What does one look for?? Yikes. Good luck with everything! xo
This is the sort of thing all homeowners fear. So sorry that you're going through this. It sounds like you're coping the best way possible, but I can imagine the stress. It will, one day, be a 'remember when...' but for now, while you're in the middle of it all, it's just awful.
Hugs to you...
oh boy. that STINKS! Sorry you're having to wade through that at this time, too. Crock pot cooking can be kinda yummy though...maybe you can try this little'll satisfy your need for chocolate...good luck!
If any situation deserves chocolate this looks like one that does. Wishing you quick repairs and lots of comfort food from the Crock Pot....and of course chocolate.
They make crockpot liners??
You poor thing. I'm sending you a hug. A big Hug!
I know your pain. When we renovated the last house we lived in, I went without a real kitchen for 15 months.
You will get through this. At least the guy who is buying the house isn't upset.It's just hard on you for walking away from your lovely home and having to endure all this trouble too. Blog about it. Getting it off your heart. We all love ya.
Big hug. BIG HUG!!!~Ames
OHHHHH MY God Jenny! I would be a whole lot grumpy too! Hang in there girl!
OH Jenny...I'm so sorry. You didn't need this to happen at any time, but especially now.
I'd be a lot more than cranky.
If the guy laughs just let the horse loose in the kitchen.
How you managed to make me smile during this post is unbelievable. I love your smart family members that can see from the outside and make things a little bit more bearable! Hang in there Jenny (and Steve)
I kind of agree with the glad it's you comment, but wouldn't it be nice if it weren't anyone and things could just be easy for a little while?
O sweetie I am so sorry this mess is happening right in the middle of your move! Sending big old virtual hugs!
I've been there, Jenny! In fact, my entire kitchen remodel began with a small, stupid leak from the dishwasher. But at least I got to enjoy the upside after all the work was done!
Ack. There's no justice.
Wow. What a great new owner to just laugh. Most would walk away from the deal.
I'm sorry this is happening. Godiva on it's way!!
oh boy ... what can i say that others haven't ??? the frustration you must be feeling .... and if i knew how to make crock pot liners i would make them for ya ... but i dont ... just let go of that grey balloon and keep smiling ... this too will pass ... and i am sending you such big hugs right now!! the biggest!!!
Eeks!!! Thank heaven your purchaser is okay with the situation. Good luck! ~ Maureen
Not fun. I went through this TWICE, two years ago. We had a faulty fitting on every hot water pipe in the house. Every time we turned the water off to fix one, it put pressure on the rest! Kitchen, pantry, laundry room, 3 bathrooms, master closet, ceilings...what a mess!
But, we had been wanting to do a little remodeling and that got us going! A year later....(lots of decisions to be made and I didn't have to rip up all the flooring til the end. Just the severely damaged parts. My pantry was in my bedroom for a year though...that got quite old!
Very pleased with how it all turned out, but not fun to go through. So glad you have help and brilliant people surrounding you!
Enjoy that chocolate!!
OH NO! Was the leak from your reverse osmosis machine? The same exact thing happened to my son's in-laws in their house in Arizona and they were away for 3 days before it was discovered. They came back to three feet of water in their kitchen! Not only did it destroy their kitchen it also ruined a spare bath and the study. The terrble thing is that the company that put those systems in is bankrupt. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this mess and heartache.
Jenny, with all this going on you still found time to send me a condolence card on the loss of my Mother. You are so kind and thoughful. I really appreciate your friendship.
Oh NO... You have EVERY right to be crabby AND eat chocolate:) My Daughter just sent me a text message that her washer was leaking! I bet she is in need of some chocolate too!
Thankfully you are getting it fixed and still getting to sell it! Stay calm... HUGS!
jenny so sorry to hear about the destructive leak. But just like you it sounds like you are making the best of if and I know we will have lots of great stories from you out of this one!
bee blessed
Miss Jenny - it looks like a 20 pounder box of chocolates to me...what a thing to be going through at any time let alone prior to moving.
You have a good support system though - organizational relatives are a treasure!
You may need more than 5 pounds of chocolate, for all that grief and destruction. I know I would.
How in the world do you manage to keep your sense of humor???
Blessings... and chocolate, Jenny, lots and lot of both.
Oh My goodness Jenny. I'd send you a ton of comfort chocolate if I could. That is such a disaster to have happened, especially when you're trying to sell a house too.
Good grief!
Oh Jenny. What the freak. What's your favorite chocolate?
Oh, no! That's worth at least 10 pounds of chocolate!
Oh Jenny! I feel for you. Your poor kitchen and family room....destroyed! Do you remember we ripped all our floors out last year? It was a freakin' mess...but of course, we did it on purpose and planned accordingly!
Love the pod idea...I'm sending over some chocolate.
Hugs to you. Remember to breathe!
Oh my goodness. How terrible.. Sucks. It's sad that you won't even be able to enjoy it because of the move. Good gracious.....
I am so sorry! I know this has been a tough week for you and hubby. Your attitude is amazing, I would be so angry and would be carrying my chocolate in one hand and a giant cup of coffee in the other!
Jeez Jenny!!!!! Is the new seller picking out the new items? Have you found a place yet???? I am so sorry...this happened in 2010 with us and a hot water heater that had been slowing leaking into a wood sub floor and walls, I had a wreck in my master bedroom, laundry and storage room all at once! NOT fun...but sure like the wonderful carpet and floors we got to put in! And paint, new paint! But I can imagine this is a nightmare, you have every right to be crabby and eat lots of chocolate! Hugs, Sandy
Timing is everything! Gosh what a mess but you will get through it and your family is so smart! We had clogged drains in our kitchen so bad that I could not cook dinner and Christmas was coming! So Christmas Eve there are the plummers tearing out pipes, putting in new pipes and handing us a bill...Merry Christmas, but i could cook! hugs, Linda
I'm so sorry Jenny! :(
well, crap.
let's hear it for dry walls and floors and a daughter who can organize us...hang in there, Ms. M.
wow what bad luck. That really sucks. Good that your family is helping out though. I suspect someday soon when the snow starts to melt here, our roof will collapse It has been leaking now for over 2 years and the landlord refuses to do anything about it. The back bedroom ceiling is sagging and our kitchen is starting to as well. Do you ever watch The Middle? There is an episode where it starts to rain and the whole family freaks out because their roof leaks so every available pot and dish is used to catch the water. That is what it is like here when it rains. Hope you get your mess cleaned up quickly and every thing turns out fine
So sorry to hear of this.
It is good the you have so many genius' around you so you don't have to think of all of this stuff.
Hope things settle down soon.
Here's some virtual chocolate.
I'm so sorry! That just sucks. We had the exact same thing happen to us this past Sunday. First off, we have a hill house. The kitchen is on our main floor, but that's the top floor. You then go downstairs to the bedrooms. My daughter came up to me on Sunday and said that water was dripping into her bedroom. It was obviously coming from the kitchen sink above her room. We had the same problem--a slow leak from the drain pipe. It must have been dripping water for a long time. The boards under the kitchen sink soaked up all the water until they finally became saturated. Then my daughter's room started to get it. The damage was pretty minimal. We tore out the boards under the sink, which had black mold on them. Our plumber said we caught it in time and the mold hasn't spread elsewhere. Nevertheless, we have fans and hot lamps going under the sink to dry it up down there. We just have a fan going now.
In our case, having an upside-down house saved us!
Not sure virtual chocolate is as good, but here. I will pass you some. (((Pass)))
I'm so sorry. I hope it is resolved quickly and effectively the problem of water leakage.
It's an enormous shame that you can't eat virtual chocolate because I'm sending loads your way.
Yes, it sounds awful but look at all the positives *ducks to avoid brick being thrown at head*. Your kids are amazingly clever and organised. Your mum has excellent ideas. Your buyer has not cancelled and walked away. Good luck with putting everything back together again and I hope it won't look so wonderful that you won't want to sell it! *ducks again - ouch - not quickly enough*
OHHHHHH Jenny, what a mess.......I can so relate with what water can do...This is what we just went through with Mom and Dad....a small leak.....that had been going on for a very long time and then BAM....We too have had two water problems and the tearing up is about maddening....
Chocolates and friend...don't forget to add in the wine!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers...wish I were to bring know I would!!!
Hang's going to be a long ride!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Oh this too???
Girl, I'm so very sorry but I'm glad that ya got a genus daughter to count on. Sounds like she's a great one to have on the team.
Hey, I've got fudge frozen in the fridge...will that help. Come on over...I'll share!!!
God bless and I sure hope thing start lookin' up for ya soon sweetie!!! :o)
Oh Jenny, chocolate is the way to go. My heart skipped a beat for you. This too shall pass...cliche alert!
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this right now. Water is so destructive!
Oh no... what kind of timing is that? I'm hoping insurance is a part of this story?
How horribly awful! I think you're letting us off easy with only a FIVE pound box of chocolate.
thinking of you and hoping this gets taken care of in a speedy manner.
I can so sympathize...really!
This just happened to me.
Were the chocolates meant for your stress-eating, Jenny? This is one of the most stressful scenarios a house seller can ever get into! Good thing everyone in the family is a genius! How long before you managed to fix ‘em all? I’m sure you got through with it together…
Terry Arnold
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